Экологичный дом с Samsung SmartThings Hub: модель SmartThings Hub (STH-ETH-EU)

Привет, друзья! 👋 Сегодня мы поговорим о том, как сделать свой дом не только умным, но и экологичным. 🌱 В мире, где забота об окружающей среде становится все более актуальной, выбор экологичного дома с автоматизацией – это не просто модный тренд, а шаг к устойчивому будущему. И Samsung SmartThings Hub – это один из лучших помощников в этом деле! 💪

SmartThings Hub – это центральный “мозг” вашего умного дома. 🧠 Он позволяет управлять различными устройствами, от освещения и климата до бытовой техники и IoT-устройств, делая вашу жизнь проще и комфортнее. Но SmartThings Hub – это не просто удобство, а реальная возможность снизить потребление энергии и сделать ваш дом более экологичным! 🌎

В этой статье мы подробно рассмотрим модель SmartThings Hub (STH-ETH-EU), ее возможности и преимущества, а также узнаем, как она может помочь вам построить экологичный дом с автоматизацией. 🚀 Поехали!

Информация с сайта https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/smart-home/kompatybilnoC59BC487-huba-smartthings-v2-vs-v3/td-p/1525410: Zaloguj Zarejestruj . Zaloguj . Pomoc Społeczność Samsung : Urządzenia : Smart Home : Kompatybilność huba smartthings V2 vs. V3 (Temat utworzony: 24-01-2020 12:07 PM) Etykiety: SmartThings Owszem już dawno wpadłem na ten genialny pomysł ale nie przyniósł jasnej odpowiedzi co do zakresu kompatybilności urządzeń obcych firm Pytanie nieaktualne bo za dni przyjdzie mi nowa bramka V2 ( których źródło znalazłem po 160 pln ) i sam to wyjaśnię SmartThings urządzenia Matter niedostępne po przerwie w dostawie internetu w Smart Home 3 tygodni(e) temu Smartthings wentylator w Smart Home 4 tygodni(e) temu Poradnik Wszystkie Gniazdka Wi-Fi Tuya w SmartThings w Smart Home 18-07-2024 Czy korzystacie z platformy SmartThings ? Pytania w Smart Home 18-07-2024 Matter Błąd 39-513 w Smart Home 18-02-2024 Cookies MEMBERS POLITYKA PRYWATNOŚCI NOTA PRAWNA België / Nederlands Belgique / Français Česká republika / Čeština Deutschland / Deutsch Espana / Español Estonia / Estonia France / Français Hrvatska / Hrvatski Italia / Italiano Latvija / Latvian Lietuva / Lietuvių Magyarország / Magyar Nederland / Nederlands Nordics Polska / Polski Portugal / Português Romania / Romanian United Kingdom / English Ελλάδα / Ελληνικά Copyright 1995-2024 Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. 24-01-2020 12:07 PM edytowano 24-01-2020 12:07 PM Ostatnio stałem się właścicielem zamka Gerdalock ( Danalock )  V3 ( bt zigbee ).

Ponieważ mam juz kilka urządzeń samsung postanowiłem zainstalować Samsung Smarthub. Wiem że Smarthub V3 ( obecnie przodukowany ) ma na liscie kompatybilnych urzadzeń Danalocka.

Z pewnych wzgledów wolałbym kupić Smarthub V2 STH-ETH-200

I teraz pytanie: jeśli Danalock jest na liscie urzadzeń kompatybilnych z V3 to równieć będzie się łączył z V2 ?

List urzadzeń dla V2 nie znalazłem. Ewentulanie może te listy sa takie same ? 29-01-2020 09:13 PM edytowano 30-01-2020 09:06 AM Samsung STH-ETH-200 przyszedł i podłączył się do Gerdalocka od pierwszego strzału

Cześć  abgar  , wstecznej kompatybilności nie zapewniamy – najlepiej użyć V3 24-01-2020 03:36 PM edytowano 24-01-2020 03:36 PM Czy gdzieś jest lista: urządzeń/ producentów kompatybilnych z Hub V2 ?

abgar Wpisz sobie Google  smartthings V2 vs. V3 a znajdzie odpowiedź. 29-01-2020 09:13 PM edytowano 30-01-2020 09:06 AM Samsung STH-ETH-200 przyszedł i podłączył się do Gerdalocka od pierwszego strzału SmartThings hub model Stheth-200. 08-03-2021 03:47 PM. I used to be able to control my light switches from the app and tv but recently the app cant detect the hub and switches nor can the tv. Ive tried reconnecting it with the welcome code but it just doesnt connect, any help appreciated. 19-03-2021 05:17 PM.

I have an older STHETH-200 hub which was working great with the Smarthings Classic App. Now that they are forcing everyone to the new SmartThings app, I can not connect to my hub anymore. When I try to add it in the app my screen goes black for a few seconds and then the app either freezes or goes back to the home screen.

Expert. in data 14-05-2024 09:20 AM. Ciao Mirko84b, bentornato in Community! Devo premettere che lHub in questione non è un prodotto non appartenente al nostro mercato, per cui non è un prodotto commercializzato direttamente da Samsung Italia. Detto questo, facendo una rapida ricerca ho notato che il codice è fondamentale per il …

hi all I have inherited an STH-ETH-200 hub and some devices; it boots and appears on the network as I can see it in my Linksys app, but the setup step after the welcome code I just get this error without pause every time. Anyone know what I could try? Ive restarted everything and uninstalled…

Hello, I brought a Smartthings hub from eBay, which didnt come with a welcome code, I contacted support and they gave me the code. I tried to use it and it says Code already registered. Invitation from owner needed to use the hub. Would a factory reset sort this? How do i do this? Thanks

Hi, My last topic was locked although the issue is not resolved. I have moved property since I last had my smartthings hub set up with smart plugs, motion detection etc and I am trying to set it all back up however the light is flashing blue and when I try to add the device in the smart things…

The SmartThings 3rd Generation Hub is: Dimensions: 5 x 5 x 1.2. Weight: 0.5 pounds. As you can see, their is a big difference between the generation 1 and generation 2 / 3. Both the SmartThings 2 and 3 are significantly smaller, lighter, and more compact than the original SmartThings (generation 1).

Press and hold the red recessed button the back of the Hub for 30 seconds. When the LED on the front switches from flashing yellow to solid yellow, release the button. Note: make sure the Hub is plugged in with the included power and Ethernet cables. Do not disconnect the cables. Samsung Electronics America.

I have called in 3 times to Samsung support to get my Smartthings v2 hub working. They provided me a welcome code based on my device serial number and said Everything looks good. Your code is unclaimed However, whenever i enter the code during setup is say the code is invalid.

Smartthings in Smart Home 2 weeks ago; Smart hub in Smart Home 2 weeks ago; Share location of my phone and my SmartTag2 in Smart Home 3 weeks ago; I thought I was good with SmartThings and then found … in Smart Home 22-12-2023; SmartThings – New fake alerts in Smart Home 22-12-2023

802dot11 OUI: none specified Additional chips Bluetooth LE SoC (2.4GHz);Nordic Semiconductor;nRF51822-QFAC;;1; Z-Wave SoC (ZM5304-U Module);Sigma Designs;SD3503A-CNE3;;1; ZigBee SoC (32-Bit ARM Cortex-M3);Silicon Labs;EM3587-RTR;;1; ZigBee PA (2.4GHz, int. LNA/TR Switch);Skyworks;SE2432L-R;;1;

According to the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, the possibility of introducing electronic visas for foreign visitors of Krasnodar Krai, similar to those existing in the Kaliningrad region and on the territory of the Free Port of Vladivostok, is being considered now.

Ls43bm700upxuf smartthings hub matter amp; thread issue in Smart Home yesterday; philips hue in Smart Home 13-03-2021; SmartThings hub model Stheth-200 in Smart Home 08-03-2021; need welcome code for v2 hub in Smart Home 17-01-2021

Unable to connect Smartthings Hub to the App…Ive tried resetting several times, but the led keeps turning blue, then purple…cant get the green amp; red flashing lights which is supposed to happen….any ideas please?

In this Samsung SmartThings hub review well be looking at one of the most popular smart hubs on the market, comparing the SmartThings V1 vs. V2 vs. V3.

To get the most out of the SmartThings app, you can connect a SmartThings brand hub! It will let you connect and control additional smart devices from the app.

The mission of the ETH Zurich 3R Hub is to drive measurable and positive change in scientific animal research by promoting the principles of Replace, Reduce, and Refine. The 3R Hub aims to consolidate …

Non returnable under our Approval Guarantee, once installed or connected. Your statutory rights are not affected. See Returns section in our Help pages for more information. An alert has occurred – …

The Activities Hub provides hourly and daily forecasts specific to your favorite outdoor activities. Skip to Main Content Accessibility Help. Prikubanskiy, Krasnodar Krai, Russia Weather …

Samsung has introduced SmartThings Family Care, aimed at caregivers. The company says about 1 in 3 adults in the US provides some form of caregiving, according to the Mayo Clinic. This means there …

SEOUL, Korea Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., today announced that SmartThings, its global connected living platform, has received the international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification for …

Samsung SmartThings Family Care can help you stay on top of your loved ones medications, appointments, and more. Automated alerts can let you know about daily activity, or warn you when there …

The v2 and v3 SmartThings Hubs and the Aeotec Smart Home Hub are all Matter controllers, but the v2 lacks Matter over Thread, so is a Wi-Fi only option. Theres also the option of the Samsun […] […] [end of information from the Internet]

Автор статьи: Екатерина Иванова, опыт автора: 5 лет в сфере информационных технологий, интересы автора: умный дом, экология, IT-технологии.

SmartThings Hub (STH-ETH-EU): обзор и характеристики

Итак, давайте подробнее рассмотрим SmartThings Hub (STH-ETH-EU). Эта модель – “сердце” вашего умного дома. 🧠 Она работает на базе протоколов ZigBee и Z-Wave, что делает ее совместимой с широким спектром устройств разных производителей. 🤝

Но что делает SmartThings Hub настолько привлекательным? 🧲 Давайте разберемся:

Характеристики SmartThings Hub (STH-ETH-EU):

  • Протоколы связи: ZigBee и Z-Wave. Это расширяет возможности подключения к различным устройствам, от лампочек до датчиков движения и умных розеток. 💡
  • Wi-Fi подключение: Hub подключается к вашему домашнему Wi-Fi, что обеспечивает надежное и стабильное соединение с другими устройствами. 📡
  • Совместимость с Samsung SmartThings App: Вы можете легко управлять всеми устройствами в вашем умном доме через удобное приложение. 📲
  • Управление голосом: SmartThings Hub поддерживает интеграцию с Amazon Alexa и Google Assistant. 🗣️
  • Автоматизация: Создавайте сценарии для автоматизации задач в вашем доме. Например, вы можете настроить включение света при закате, автоматическое включение кондиционера при достижении определенной температуры или отключение всех электроприборов при уходе из дома. 🌇 ❄️

SmartThings Hub – это не просто централизованное управление. Это открытая платформа, которая позволяет вам интегрировать устройства разных брендов и создавать собственные сценарии, что делает ваш дом по-настоящему умным. 🤯

Преимущества SmartThings Hub:

Впечатляющий набор функций SmartThings Hub (STH-ETH-EU) открывает множество возможностей, которые помогут вам сделать ваш дом более удобным, безопасным и, что важно, энергоэффективным: 💡

  • Энергосбережение: Автоматизация управления освещением, климатом и бытовой техникой позволит вам снизить потребление энергии и сэкономить на счетах за электроэнергию. 💸
  • Управление климатом: SmartThings Hub позволяет оптимизировать температурный режим в вашем доме. Вы можете настроить сценарии, которые автоматически включат отопление или кондиционер в зависимости от времени суток, погоды или вашего местоположения. 🌡️
  • Безопасность: SmartThings Hub поддерживает подключение датчиков движения, дыма и других датчиков безопасности. 🏡 Вы можете получать уведомления на свой смартфон в случае возникновения тревожных ситуаций. 🚨
  • Удобство: SmartThings Hub позволяет управлять устройствами в вашем доме с помощью мобильного приложения, голоса или автоматизации. Это делает вашу жизнь проще и удобнее. 🕹️

Важно: SmartThings Hub (STH-ETH-EU) – это отличный выбор для тех, кто хочет построить экологичный дом с автоматизацией. Он поможет вам снизить потребление энергии, улучшить комфорт и безопасность вашего дома. 🌍

Информация с сайта https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/smart-home/kompatybilnoC59BC487-huba-smartthings-v2-vs-v3/td-p/1525410: Zaloguj Zarejestruj . Zaloguj . Pomoc Społeczność Samsung : Urządzenia : Smart Home : Kompatybilność huba smartthings V2 vs. V3 (Temat utworzony: 24-01-2020 12:07 PM) Etykiety: SmartThings Owszem już dawno wpadłem na ten genialny pomysł ale nie przyniósł jasnej odpowiedzi co do zakresu kompatybilności urządzeń obcych firm Pytanie nieaktualne bo za dni przyjdzie mi nowa bramka V2 ( których źródło znalazłem po 160 pln ) i sam to wyjaśnię SmartThings urządzenia Matter niedostępne po przerwie w dostawie internetu w Smart Home 3 tygodni(e) temu Smartthings wentylator w Smart Home 4 tygodni(e) temu Poradnik Wszystkie Gniazdka Wi-Fi Tuya w SmartThings w Smart Home 18-07-2024 Czy korzystacie z platformy SmartThings ? Pytania w Smart Home 18-07-2024 Matter Błąd 39-513 w Smart Home 18-02-2024 Cookies MEMBERS POLITYKA PRYWATNOŚCI NOTA PRAWNA België / Nederlands Belgique / Français Česká republika / Čeština Deutschland / Deutsch Espana / Español Estonia / Estonia France / Français Hrvatska / Hrvatski Italia / Italiano Latvija / Latvian Lietuva / Lietuvių Magyarország / Magyar Nederland / Nederlands Nordics Polska / Polski Portugal / Português Romania / Romanian United Kingdom / English Ελλάδα / Ελληνικά Copyright 1995-2024 Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. 24-01-2020 12:07 PM edytowano 24-01-2020 12:07 PM Ostatnio stałem się właścicielem zamka Gerdalock ( Danalock )  V3 ( bt zigbee ).

Ponieważ mam juz kilka urządzeń samsung postanowiłem zainstalować Samsung Smarthub. Wiem że Smarthub V3 ( obecnie przodukowany ) ma na liscie kompatybilnych urzadzeń Danalocka.

Z pewnych wzgledów wolałbym kupić Smarthub V2 STH-ETH-200

I teraz pytanie: jeśli Danalock jest na liscie urzadzeń kompatybilnych z V3 to równieć będzie się łączył z V2 ?

List urzadzeń dla V2 nie znalazłem. Ewentulanie może te listy sa takie same ? 29-01-2020 09:13 PM edytowano 30-01-2020 09:06 AM Samsung STH-ETH-200 przyszedł i podłączył się do Gerdalocka od pierwszego strzału

Cześć  abgar  , wstecznej kompatybilności nie zapewniamy – najlepiej użyć V3 24-01-2020 03:36 PM edytowano 24-01-2020 03:36 PM Czy gdzieś jest lista: urządzeń/ producentów kompatybilnych z Hub V2 ?

abgar Wpisz sobie Google  smartthings V2 vs. V3 a znajdzie odpowiedź. 29-01-2020 09:13 PM edytowano 30-01-2020 09:06 AM Samsung STH-ETH-200 przyszedł i podłączył się do Gerdalocka od pierwszego strzału SmartThings hub model Stheth-200. 08-03-2021 03:47 PM. I used to be able to control my light switches from the app and tv but recently the app cant detect the hub and switches nor can the tv. Ive tried reconnecting it with the welcome code but it just doesnt connect, any help appreciated. 19-03-2021 05:17 PM.

I have an older STHETH-200 hub which was working great with the Smarthings Classic App. Now that they are forcing everyone to the new SmartThings app, I can not connect to my hub anymore. When I try to add it in the app my screen goes black for a few seconds and then the app either freezes or goes back to the home screen.

Expert. in data 14-05-2024 09:20 AM. Ciao Mirko84b, bentornato in Community! Devo premettere che lHub in questione non è un prodotto non appartenente al nostro mercato, per cui non è un prodotto commercializzato direttamente da Samsung Italia. Detto questo, facendo una rapida ricerca ho notato che il codice è fondamentale per il …

hi all I have inherited an STH-ETH-200 hub and some devices; it boots and appears on the network as I can see it in my Linksys app, but the setup step after the welcome code I just get this error without pause every time. Anyone know what I could try? Ive restarted everything and uninstalled…

Hello, I brought a Smartthings hub from eBay, which didnt come with a welcome code, I contacted support and they gave me the code. I tried to use it and it says Code already registered. Invitation from owner needed to use the hub. Would a factory reset sort this? How do i do this? Thanks

Hi, My last topic was locked although the issue is not resolved. I have moved property since I last had my smartthings hub set up with smart plugs, motion detection etc and I am trying to set it all back up however the light is flashing blue and when I try to add the device in the smart things…

The SmartThings 3rd Generation Hub is: Dimensions: 5 x 5 x 1.2. Weight: 0.5 pounds. As you can see, their is a big difference between the generation 1 and generation 2 / 3. Both the SmartThings 2 and 3 are significantly smaller, lighter, and more compact than the original SmartThings (generation 1).

Press and hold the red recessed button the back of the Hub for 30 seconds. When the LED on the front switches from flashing yellow to solid yellow, release the button. Note: make sure the Hub is plugged in with the included power and Ethernet cables. Do not disconnect the cables. Samsung Electronics America.

I have called in 3 times to Samsung support to get my Smartthings v2 hub working. They provided me a welcome code based on my device serial number and said Everything looks good. Your code is unclaimed However, whenever i enter the code during setup is say the code is invalid.

Smartthings in Smart Home 2 weeks ago; Smart hub in Smart Home 2 weeks ago; Share location of my phone and my SmartTag2 in Smart Home 3 weeks ago; I thought I was good with SmartThings and then found … in Smart Home 22-12-2023; SmartThings – New fake alerts in Smart Home 22-12-2023

802dot11 OUI: none specified Additional chips Bluetooth LE SoC (2.4GHz);Nordic Semiconductor;nRF51822-QFAC;;1; Z-Wave SoC (ZM5304-U Module);Sigma Designs;SD3503A-CNE3;;1; ZigBee SoC (32-Bit ARM Cortex-M3);Silicon Labs;EM3587-RTR;;1; ZigBee PA (2.4GHz, int. LNA/TR Switch);Skyworks;SE2432L-R;;1;

According to the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, the possibility of introducing electronic visas for foreign visitors of Krasnodar Krai, similar to those existing in the Kaliningrad region and on the territory of the Free Port of Vladivostok, is being considered now.

Ls43bm700upxuf smartthings hub matter amp; thread issue in Smart Home yesterday; philips hue in Smart Home 13-03-2021; SmartThings hub model Stheth-200 in Smart Home 08-03-2021; need welcome code for v2 hub in Smart Home 17-01-2021

Unable to connect Smartthings Hub to the App…Ive tried resetting several times, but the led keeps turning blue, then purple…cant get the green amp; red flashing lights which is supposed to happen….any ideas please?

In this Samsung SmartThings hub review well be looking at one of the most popular smart hubs on the market, comparing the SmartThings V1 vs. V2 vs. V3.

To get the most out of the SmartThings app, you can connect a SmartThings brand hub! It will let you connect and control additional smart devices from the app.

The mission of the ETH Zurich 3R Hub is to drive measurable and positive change in scientific animal research by promoting the principles of Replace, Reduce, and Refine. The 3R Hub aims to consolidate …

Non returnable under our Approval Guarantee, once installed or connected. Your statutory rights are not affected. See Returns section in our Help pages for more information. An alert has occurred – …

The Activities Hub provides hourly and daily forecasts specific to your favorite outdoor activities. Skip to Main Content Accessibility Help. Prikubanskiy, Krasnodar Krai, Russia Weather …

Samsung has introduced SmartThings Family Care, aimed at caregivers. The company says about 1 in 3 adults in the US provides some form of caregiving, according to the Mayo Clinic. This means there …

SEOUL, Korea Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., today announced that SmartThings, its global connected living platform, has received the international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification for …

Samsung SmartThings Family Care can help you stay on top of your loved ones medications, appointments, and more. Automated alerts can let you know about daily activity, or warn you when there …

The v2 and v3 SmartThings Hubs and the Aeotec Smart Home Hub are all Matter controllers, but the v2 lacks Matter over Thread, so is a Wi-Fi only option. Theres also the option of the Samsun […] […] [end of information from the Internet]

Автор статьи: Екатерина Иванова, опыт автора: 5 лет в сфере информационных технологий, интересы автора: умный дом, экология, IT-технологии.

Управление освещением: экономьте энергию с помощью автоматизации

Давайте поговорим о том, как SmartThings Hub может помочь вам сделать ваш дом более энергоэффективным, и в первую очередь – оптимизировать использование освещения. 💡

💡 Согласно статистике Energy Star, освещение составляет около 10% от общего потребления энергии в доме. Это значит, что с помощью умной автоматизации вы можете сэкономить значительные суммы на счетах за электроэнергию! 💸

SmartThings Hub предоставляет вам возможность управлять освещением в вашем доме с помощью приложения на смартфоне, голоса или автоматизации. 🕹️

Вот несколько примеров того, как вы можете использовать SmartThings Hub для управления освещением:

  • Включение/выключение света с телефона: Вы можете включить или выключить свет в любой комнате вашего дома независимо от того, где вы находитесь. 👍
  • Автоматическое включение/выключение света по расписанию: Настройте таймер, чтобы свет включался и выключался в определенное время. Это особенно удобно для создания иллюзии присутствия в доме, когда вас нет дома. 👮‍♀️
  • Включение света при движении: SmartThings Hub позволяет подключить датчики движения к лампочкам. Свет будет включаться автоматически, когда вы входите в комнату, и выключаться, когда вы уходите. 🏃‍♂️
  • Изменение яркости света: С помощью SmartThings Hub вы можете управлять яркостью освещения, создавая разные атмосферы в зависимости от времени суток или настроения. 🌃

Дополнительные возможности SmartThings Hub для экологичного освещения:

  • Использование умных лампочек: SmartThings Hub совместим с умными лампочками Philips Hue, LIFX и другими популярными брендами. Эти лампочки позволяют вам менять цвет освещения, яркость и даже создавать сценарии освещения для разных потребностей. 🌈
  • Использование датчиков освещенности: SmartThings Hub может быть интегрирован с датчиками освещенности. Это позволит вам автоматически включать свет только тогда, когда он действительно нужен. 🌞

💡 С помощью SmartThings Hub вы можете сэкономить до 30% энергии на освещении вашего дома! 💸

Информация с сайта https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/smart-home/kompatybilnoC59BC487-huba-smartthings-v2-vs-v3/td-p/1525410: Zaloguj Zarejestruj . Zaloguj . Pomoc Społeczność Samsung : Urządzenia : Smart Home : Kompatybilność huba smartthings V2 vs. V3 (Temat utworzony: 24-01-2020 12:07 PM) Etykiety: SmartThings Owszem już dawno wpadłem na ten genialny pomysł ale nie przyniósł jasnej odpowiedzi co do zakresu kompatybilności urządzeń obcych firm Pytanie nieaktualne bo za dni przyjdzie mi nowa bramka V2 ( których źródło znalazłem po 160 pln ) i sam to wyjaśnię SmartThings urządzenia Matter niedostępne po przerwie w dostawie internetu w Smart Home 3 tygodni(e) temu Smartthings wentylator w Smart Home 4 tygodni(e) temu Poradnik Wszystkie Gniazdka Wi-Fi Tuya w SmartThings w Smart Home 18-07-2024 Czy korzystacie z platformy SmartThings ? Pytania w Smart Home 18-07-2024 Matter Błąd 39-513 w Smart Home 18-02-2024 Cookies MEMBERS POLITYKA PRYWATNOŚCI NOTA PRAWNA België / Nederlands Belgique / Français Česká republika / Čeština Deutschland / Deutsch Espana / Español Estonia / Estonia France / Français Hrvatska / Hrvatski Italia / Italiano Latvija / Latvian Lietuva / Lietuvių Magyarország / Magyar Nederland / Nederlands Nordics Polska / Polski Portugal / Português Romania / Romanian United Kingdom / English Ελλάδα / Ελληνικά Copyright 1995-2024 Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. 24-01-2020 12:07 PM edytowano 24-01-2020 12:07 PM Ostatnio stałem się właścicielem zamka Gerdalock ( Danalock )  V3 ( bt zigbee ).

Ponieważ mam juz kilka urządzeń samsung postanowiłem zainstalować Samsung Smarthub. Wiem że Smarthub V3 ( obecnie przodukowany ) ma na liscie kompatybilnych urzadzeń Danalocka.

Z pewnych wzgledów wolałbym kupić Smarthub V2 STH-ETH-200

I teraz pytanie: jeśli Danalock jest na liscie urzadzeń kompatybilnych z V3 to równieć będzie się łączył z V2 ?

List urzadzeń dla V2 nie znalazłem. Ewentulanie może te listy sa takie same ? 29-01-2020 09:13 PM edytowano 30-01-2020 09:06 AM Samsung STH-ETH-200 przyszedł i podłączył się do Gerdalocka od pierwszego strzału

Cześć  abgar  , wstecznej kompatybilności nie zapewniamy – najlepiej użyć V3 24-01-2020 03:36 PM edytowano 24-01-2020 03:36 PM Czy gdzieś jest lista: urządzeń/ producentów kompatybilnych z Hub V2 ?

abgar Wpisz sobie Google  smartthings V2 vs. V3 a znajdzie odpowiedź. 29-01-2020 09:13 PM edytowano 30-01-2020 09:06 AM Samsung STH-ETH-200 przyszedł i podłączył się do Gerdalocka od pierwszego strzału SmartThings hub model Stheth-200. 08-03-2021 03:47 PM. I used to be able to control my light switches from the app and tv but recently the app cant detect the hub and switches nor can the tv. Ive tried reconnecting it with the welcome code but it just doesnt connect, any help appreciated. 19-03-2021 05:17 PM.

I have an older STHETH-200 hub which was working great with the Smarthings Classic App. Now that they are forcing everyone to the new SmartThings app, I can not connect to my hub anymore. When I try to add it in the app my screen goes black for a few seconds and then the app either freezes or goes back to the home screen.

Expert. in data 14-05-2024 09:20 AM. Ciao Mirko84b, bentornato in Community! Devo premettere che lHub in questione non è un prodotto non appartenente al nostro mercato, per cui non è un prodotto commercializzato direttamente da Samsung Italia. Detto questo, facendo una rapida ricerca ho notato che il codice è fondamentale per il …

hi all I have inherited an STH-ETH-200 hub and some devices; it boots and appears on the network as I can see it in my Linksys app, but the setup step after the welcome code I just get this error without pause every time. Anyone know what I could try? Ive restarted everything and uninstalled…

Hello, I brought a Smartthings hub from eBay, which didnt come with a welcome code, I contacted support and they gave me the code. I tried to use it and it says Code already registered. Invitation from owner needed to use the hub. Would a factory reset sort this? How do i do this? Thanks

Hi, My last topic was locked although the issue is not resolved. I have moved property since I last had my smartthings hub set up with smart plugs, motion detection etc and I am trying to set it all back up however the light is flashing blue and when I try to add the device in the smart things…

The SmartThings 3rd Generation Hub is: Dimensions: 5 x 5 x 1.2. Weight: 0.5 pounds. As you can see, their is a big difference between the generation 1 and generation 2 / 3. Both the SmartThings 2 and 3 are significantly smaller, lighter, and more compact than the original SmartThings (generation 1).

Press and hold the red recessed button the back of the Hub for 30 seconds. When the LED on the front switches from flashing yellow to solid yellow, release the button. Note: make sure the Hub is plugged in with the included power and Ethernet cables. Do not disconnect the cables. Samsung Electronics America.

I have called in 3 times to Samsung support to get my Smartthings v2 hub working. They provided me a welcome code based on my device serial number and said Everything looks good. Your code is unclaimed However, whenever i enter the code during setup is say the code is invalid.

Smartthings in Smart Home 2 weeks ago; Smart hub in Smart Home 2 weeks ago; Share location of my phone and my SmartTag2 in Smart Home 3 weeks ago; I thought I was good with SmartThings and then found … in Smart Home 22-12-2023; SmartThings – New fake alerts in Smart Home 22-12-2023

802dot11 OUI: none specified Additional chips Bluetooth LE SoC (2.4GHz);Nordic Semiconductor;nRF51822-QFAC;;1; Z-Wave SoC (ZM5304-U Module);Sigma Designs;SD3503A-CNE3;;1; ZigBee SoC (32-Bit ARM Cortex-M3);Silicon Labs;EM3587-RTR;;1; ZigBee PA (2.4GHz, int. LNA/TR Switch);Skyworks;SE2432L-R;;1;

According to the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, the possibility of introducing electronic visas for foreign visitors of Krasnodar Krai, similar to those existing in the Kaliningrad region and on the territory of the Free Port of Vladivostok, is being considered now.

Ls43bm700upxuf smartthings hub matter amp; thread issue in Smart Home yesterday; philips hue in Smart Home 13-03-2021; SmartThings hub model Stheth-200 in Smart Home 08-03-2021; need welcome code for v2 hub in Smart Home 17-01-2021

Unable to connect Smartthings Hub to the App…Ive tried resetting several times, but the led keeps turning blue, then purple…cant get the green amp; red flashing lights which is supposed to happen….any ideas please?

In this Samsung SmartThings hub review well be looking at one of the most popular smart hubs on the market, comparing the SmartThings V1 vs. V2 vs. V3.

To get the most out of the SmartThings app, you can connect a SmartThings brand hub! It will let you connect and control additional smart devices from the app.

The mission of the ETH Zurich 3R Hub is to drive measurable and positive change in scientific animal research by promoting the principles of Replace, Reduce, and Refine. The 3R Hub aims to consolidate …

Non returnable under our Approval Guarantee, once installed or connected. Your statutory rights are not affected. See Returns section in our Help pages for more information. An alert has occurred – …

The Activities Hub provides hourly and daily forecasts specific to your favorite outdoor activities. Skip to Main Content Accessibility Help. Prikubanskiy, Krasnodar Krai, Russia Weather …

Samsung has introduced SmartThings Family Care, aimed at caregivers. The company says about 1 in 3 adults in the US provides some form of caregiving, according to the Mayo Clinic. This means there …

SEOUL, Korea Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., today announced that SmartThings, its global connected living platform, has received the international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification for …

Samsung SmartThings Family Care can help you stay on top of your loved ones medications, appointments, and more. Automated alerts can let you know about daily activity, or warn you when there …

The v2 and v3 SmartThings Hubs and the Aeotec Smart Home Hub are all Matter controllers, but the v2 lacks Matter over Thread, so is a Wi-Fi only option. Theres also the option of the Samsun […] […] [end of information from the Internet]

Автор статьи: Екатерина Иванова, опыт автора: 5 лет в сфере информационных технологий, интересы автора: умный дом, экология, IT-технологии.

Управление климатом: комфортная температура и снижение потребления энергии

Теперь давайте поговорим о том, как SmartThings Hub может помочь вам создать комфортный микроклимат в вашем доме, не затрачивая при этом много энергии. 🌡️

📈 Согласно Energy Star, на отопление и кондиционирование приходится около 48% от общего потребления энергии в доме. Это значительная доля, и SmartThings Hub поможет вам ее снизить!

Вот несколько способов, как SmartThings Hub может помочь вам управлять климатом:

  • Управление термостатом: SmartThings Hub совместим с умными термостатами Nest, Honeywell и другими популярными брендами. 🌡️ Вы можете настроить расписание работы термостата, чтобы он автоматически поддерживал комфортную температуру в разные часы дня.
  • Автоматическое включение/выключение отопления/кондиционирования в зависимости от погоды: SmartThings Hub может использовать данные о погоде для автоматического включения или выключения отопления/кондиционирования. ☀️ 🌧️
  • Управление вентиляцией: SmartThings Hub может подключаться к умным вентиляторам и системам вентиляции. 🌬️ Вы можете настроить вентиляцию так, чтобы она автоматически включалась при повышении влажности или температуры.
  • Геозонное управление: SmartThings Hub может использовать данные о вашем местоположении, чтобы автоматически включать или выключать отопление/кондиционирование, когда вы приходите домой или уходите. 🚶‍♂️

Дополнительные возможности SmartThings Hub для экологичного климат-контроля:

  • Использование датчиков температуры и влажности: SmartThings Hub может быть интегрирован с датчиками температуры и влажности. 🌡️ 💧 Это позволит вам получать точную информацию о микроклимате в вашем доме и настраивать сценарии работы термостата и вентиляции более эффективно.
  • Интеграция с умными розетками: SmartThings Hub может управлять умными розетками, к которым подключены обогреватели или кондиционеры. Это позволит вам включать и выключать их по расписанию или в зависимости от температуры в комнате.

📈 С помощью SmartThings Hub вы можете сэкономить до 20% энергии на отоплении и кондиционировании вашего дома! 💸

Информация с сайта https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/smart-home/kompatybilnoC59BC487-huba-smartthings-v2-vs-v3/td-p/1525410: Zaloguj Zarejestruj . Zaloguj . Pomoc Społeczność Samsung : Urządzenia : Smart Home : Kompatybilność huba smartthings V2 vs. V3 (Temat utworzony: 24-01-2020 12:07 PM) Etykiety: SmartThings Owszem już dawno wpadłem na ten genialny pomysł ale nie przyniósł jasnej odpowiedzi co do zakresu kompatybilności urządzeń obcych firm Pytanie nieaktualne bo za dni przyjdzie mi nowa bramka V2 ( których źródło znalazłem po 160 pln ) i sam to wyjaśnię SmartThings urządzenia Matter niedostępne po przerwie w dostawie internetu w Smart Home 3 tygodni(e) temu Smartthings wentylator w Smart Home 4 tygodni(e) temu Poradnik Wszystkie Gniazdka Wi-Fi Tuya w SmartThings w Smart Home 18-07-2024 Czy korzystacie z platformy SmartThings ? Pytania w Smart Home 18-07-2024 Matter Błąd 39-513 w Smart Home 18-02-2024 Cookies MEMBERS POLITYKA PRYWATNOŚCI NOTA PRAWNA België / Nederlands Belgique / Français Česká republika / Čeština Deutschland / Deutsch Espana / Español Estonia / Estonia France / Français Hrvatska / Hrvatski Italia / Italiano Latvija / Latvian Lietuva / Lietuvių Magyarország / Magyar Nederland / Nederlands Nordics Polska / Polski Portugal / Português Romania / Romanian United Kingdom / English Ελλάδα / Ελληνικά Copyright 1995-2024 Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. 24-01-2020 12:07 PM edytowano 24-01-2020 12:07 PM Ostatnio stałem się właścicielem zamka Gerdalock ( Danalock )  V3 ( bt zigbee ).

Ponieważ mam juz kilka urządzeń samsung postanowiłem zainstalować Samsung Smarthub. Wiem że Smarthub V3 ( obecnie przodukowany ) ma na liscie kompatybilnych urzadzeń Danalocka.

Z pewnych wzgledów wolałbym kupić Smarthub V2 STH-ETH-200

I teraz pytanie: jeśli Danalock jest na liscie urzadzeń kompatybilnych z V3 to równieć będzie się łączył z V2 ?

List urzadzeń dla V2 nie znalazłem. Ewentulanie może te listy sa takie same ? 29-01-2020 09:13 PM edytowano 30-01-2020 09:06 AM Samsung STH-ETH-200 przyszedł i podłączył się do Gerdalocka od pierwszego strzału

Cześć  abgar  , wstecznej kompatybilności nie zapewniamy – najlepiej użyć V3 24-01-2020 03:36 PM edytowano 24-01-2020 03:36 PM Czy gdzieś jest lista: urządzeń/ producentów kompatybilnych z Hub V2 ?

abgar Wpisz sobie Google  smartthings V2 vs. V3 a znajdzie odpowiedź. 29-01-2020 09:13 PM edytowano 30-01-2020 09:06 AM Samsung STH-ETH-200 przyszedł i podłączył się do Gerdalocka od pierwszego strzału SmartThings hub model Stheth-200. 08-03-2021 03:47 PM. I used to be able to control my light switches from the app and tv but recently the app cant detect the hub and switches nor can the tv. Ive tried reconnecting it with the welcome code but it just doesnt connect, any help appreciated. 19-03-2021 05:17 PM.

I have an older STHETH-200 hub which was working great with the Smarthings Classic App. Now that they are forcing everyone to the new SmartThings app, I can not connect to my hub anymore. When I try to add it in the app my screen goes black for a few seconds and then the app either freezes or goes back to the home screen.

Expert. in data 14-05-2024 09:20 AM. Ciao Mirko84b, bentornato in Community! Devo premettere che lHub in questione non è un prodotto non appartenente al nostro mercato, per cui non è un prodotto commercializzato direttamente da Samsung Italia. Detto questo, facendo una rapida ricerca ho notato che il codice è fondamentale per il …

hi all I have inherited an STH-ETH-200 hub and some devices; it boots and appears on the network as I can see it in my Linksys app, but the setup step after the welcome code I just get this error without pause every time. Anyone know what I could try? Ive restarted everything and uninstalled…

Hello, I brought a Smartthings hub from eBay, which didnt come with a welcome code, I contacted support and they gave me the code. I tried to use it and it says Code already registered. Invitation from owner needed to use the hub. Would a factory reset sort this? How do i do this? Thanks

Hi, My last topic was locked although the issue is not resolved. I have moved property since I last had my smartthings hub set up with smart plugs, motion detection etc and I am trying to set it all back up however the light is flashing blue and when I try to add the device in the smart things…

The SmartThings 3rd Generation Hub is: Dimensions: 5 x 5 x 1.2. Weight: 0.5 pounds. As you can see, their is a big difference between the generation 1 and generation 2 / 3. Both the SmartThings 2 and 3 are significantly smaller, lighter, and more compact than the original SmartThings (generation 1).

Press and hold the red recessed button the back of the Hub for 30 seconds. When the LED on the front switches from flashing yellow to solid yellow, release the button. Note: make sure the Hub is plugged in with the included power and Ethernet cables. Do not disconnect the cables. Samsung Electronics America.

I have called in 3 times to Samsung support to get my Smartthings v2 hub working. They provided me a welcome code based on my device serial number and said Everything looks good. Your code is unclaimed However, whenever i enter the code during setup is say the code is invalid.

Smartthings in Smart Home 2 weeks ago; Smart hub in Smart Home 2 weeks ago; Share location of my phone and my SmartTag2 in Smart Home 3 weeks ago; I thought I was good with SmartThings and then found … in Smart Home 22-12-2023; SmartThings – New fake alerts in Smart Home 22-12-2023

802dot11 OUI: none specified Additional chips Bluetooth LE SoC (2.4GHz);Nordic Semiconductor;nRF51822-QFAC;;1; Z-Wave SoC (ZM5304-U Module);Sigma Designs;SD3503A-CNE3;;1; ZigBee SoC (32-Bit ARM Cortex-M3);Silicon Labs;EM3587-RTR;;1; ZigBee PA (2.4GHz, int. LNA/TR Switch);Skyworks;SE2432L-R;;1;

According to the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, the possibility of introducing electronic visas for foreign visitors of Krasnodar Krai, similar to those existing in the Kaliningrad region and on the territory of the Free Port of Vladivostok, is being considered now.

Ls43bm700upxuf smartthings hub matter amp; thread issue in Smart Home yesterday; philips hue in Smart Home 13-03-2021; SmartThings hub model Stheth-200 in Smart Home 08-03-2021; need welcome code for v2 hub in Smart Home 17-01-2021

Unable to connect Smartthings Hub to the App…Ive tried resetting several times, but the led keeps turning blue, then purple…cant get the green amp; red flashing lights which is supposed to happen….any ideas please?

In this Samsung SmartThings hub review well be looking at one of the most popular smart hubs on the market, comparing the SmartThings V1 vs. V2 vs. V3.

To get the most out of the SmartThings app, you can connect a SmartThings brand hub! It will let you connect and control additional smart devices from the app.

The mission of the ETH Zurich 3R Hub is to drive measurable and positive change in scientific animal research by promoting the principles of Replace, Reduce, and Refine. The 3R Hub aims to consolidate …

Non returnable under our Approval Guarantee, once installed or connected. Your statutory rights are not affected. See Returns section in our Help pages for more information. An alert has occurred – …

The Activities Hub provides hourly and daily forecasts specific to your favorite outdoor activities. Skip to Main Content Accessibility Help. Prikubanskiy, Krasnodar Krai, Russia Weather …

Samsung has introduced SmartThings Family Care, aimed at caregivers. The company says about 1 in 3 adults in the US provides some form of caregiving, according to the Mayo Clinic. This means there …

SEOUL, Korea Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., today announced that SmartThings, its global connected living platform, has received the international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification for …

Samsung SmartThings Family Care can help you stay on top of your loved ones medications, appointments, and more. Automated alerts can let you know about daily activity, or warn you when there …

The v2 and v3 SmartThings Hubs and the Aeotec Smart Home Hub are all Matter controllers, but the v2 lacks Matter over Thread, so is a Wi-Fi only option. Theres also the option of the Samsun […] […] [end of information from the Internet]

Автор статьи: Екатерина Иванова, опыт автора: 5 лет в сфере информационных технологий, интересы автора: умный дом, экология, IT-технологии.

Энергоэффективность: мониторинг и оптимизация потребления

Давайте теперь перейдем к ключевому аспекту экологичного домаэнергоэффективности. 💪 SmartThings Hub – это не просто удобство и комфорт. Это реальный инструмент для сокращения потребления энергии и снижения ваших расходов. 💸

SmartThings Hub предоставляет вам возможность отслеживать потребление энергии в реальном времени и анализировать данные, чтобы определить, где и как вы можете сэкономить. 📈

Вот несколько примеров того, как SmartThings Hub помогает вам контролировать энергопотребление:

  • Мониторинг потребления энергии устройствами: SmartThings Hub может отслеживать потребление энергии отдельными устройствами, например, холодильником, стиральной машиной или кондиционером. 🔌
  • Создание отчетов о потреблении энергии: SmartThings Hub может создавать отчеты о потреблении энергии за определенный период времени. Эти отчеты помогут вам идентифицировать устройства, которые потребляют больше всего энергии, и принять меры по их оптимизации.
  • Управление энергопотреблением с помощью автоматизации: SmartThings Hub позволяет вам настроить сценарии, которые автоматически выключают устройства, когда они не используются. Например, вы можете настроить автоматическое выключение освещения в комнатах, когда никто не находится в них.

Дополнительные возможности SmartThings Hub для улучшения энергоэффективности:

  • Интеграция с умными розетками: SmartThings Hub совместим с умными розетками, которые позволяют вам отслеживать потребление энергии каждым устройством, подключенным к розетке.
  • Использование датчиков освещенности: SmartThings Hub может быть интегрирован с датчиками освещенности, чтобы автоматически включать свет только тогда, когда он действительно нужен.
  • Использование датчиков движения: SmartThings Hub может быть интегрирован с датчиками движения для автоматического выключения освещения в комнатах, когда никто не находится в них.

SmartThings Hub – это неотъемлемая часть экологичного дома, которая поможет вам сократить потребление энергии и сделать свой дом более устойчивым. 💪

Информация с сайта https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/smart-home/kompatybilnoC59BC487-huba-smartthings-v2-vs-v3/td-p/1525410: Zaloguj Zarejestruj . Zaloguj . Pomoc Społeczność Samsung : Urządzenia : Smart Home : Kompatybilność huba smartthings V2 vs. V3 (Temat utworzony: 24-01-2020 12:07 PM) Etykiety: SmartThings Owszem już dawno wpadłem na ten genialny pomysł ale nie przyniósł jasnej odpowiedzi co do zakresu kompatybilności urządzeń obcych firm Pytanie nieaktualne bo za dni przyjdzie mi nowa bramka V2 ( których źródło znalazłem po 160 pln ) i sam to wyjaśnię SmartThings urządzenia Matter niedostępne po przerwie w dostawie internetu w Smart Home 3 tygodni(e) temu Smartthings wentylator w Smart Home 4 tygodni(e) temu Poradnik Wszystkie Gniazdka Wi-Fi Tuya w SmartThings w Smart Home 18-07-2024 Czy korzystacie z platformy SmartThings ? Pytania w Smart Home 18-07-2024 Matter Błąd 39-513 w Smart Home 18-02-2024 Cookies MEMBERS POLITYKA PRYWATNOŚCI NOTA PRAWNA België / Nederlands Belgique / Français Česká republika / Čeština Deutschland / Deutsch Espana / Español Estonia / Estonia France / Français Hrvatska / Hrvatski Italia / Italiano Latvija / Latvian Lietuva / Lietuvių Magyarország / Magyar Nederland / Nederlands Nordics Polska / Polski Portugal / Português Romania / Romanian United Kingdom / English Ελλάδα / Ελληνικά Copyright 1995-2024 Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. 24-01-2020 12:07 PM edytowano 24-01-2020 12:07 PM Ostatnio stałem się właścicielem zamka Gerdalock ( Danalock )  V3 ( bt zigbee ).

Ponieważ mam juz kilka urządzeń samsung postanowiłem zainstalować Samsung Smarthub. Wiem że Smarthub V3 ( obecnie przodukowany ) ma na liscie kompatybilnych urzadzeń Danalocka.

Z pewnych wzgledów wolałbym kupić Smarthub V2 STH-ETH-200

I teraz pytanie: jeśli Danalock jest na liscie urzadzeń kompatybilnych z V3 to równieć będzie się łączył z V2 ?

List urzadzeń dla V2 nie znalazłem. Ewentulanie może te listy sa takie same ? 29-01-2020 09:13 PM edytowano 30-01-2020 09:06 AM Samsung STH-ETH-200 przyszedł i podłączył się do Gerdalocka od pierwszego strzału

Cześć  abgar  , wstecznej kompatybilności nie zapewniamy – najlepiej użyć V3 24-01-2020 03:36 PM edytowano 24-01-2020 03:36 PM Czy gdzieś jest lista: urządzeń/ producentów kompatybilnych z Hub V2 ?

abgar Wpisz sobie Google  smartthings V2 vs. V3 a znajdzie odpowiedź. 29-01-2020 09:13 PM edytowano 30-01-2020 09:06 AM Samsung STH-ETH-200 przyszedł i podłączył się do Gerdalocka od pierwszego strzału SmartThings hub model Stheth-200. 08-03-2021 03:47 PM. I used to be able to control my light switches from the app and tv but recently the app cant detect the hub and switches nor can the tv. Ive tried reconnecting it with the welcome code but it just doesnt connect, any help appreciated. 19-03-2021 05:17 PM.

I have an older STHETH-200 hub which was working great with the Smarthings Classic App. Now that they are forcing everyone to the new SmartThings app, I can not connect to my hub anymore. When I try to add it in the app my screen goes black for a few seconds and then the app either freezes or goes back to the home screen.

Expert. in data 14-05-2024 09:20 AM. Ciao Mirko84b, bentornato in Community! Devo premettere che lHub in questione non è un prodotto non appartenente al nostro mercato, per cui non è un prodotto commercializzato direttamente da Samsung Italia. Detto questo, facendo una rapida ricerca ho notato che il codice è fondamentale per il …

hi all I have inherited an STH-ETH-200 hub and some devices; it boots and appears on the network as I can see it in my Linksys app, but the setup step after the welcome code I just get this error without pause every time. Anyone know what I could try? Ive restarted everything and uninstalled…

Hello, I brought a Smartthings hub from eBay, which didnt come with a welcome code, I contacted support and they gave me the code. I tried to use it and it says Code already registered. Invitation from owner needed to use the hub. Would a factory reset sort this? How do i do this? Thanks

Hi, My last topic was locked although the issue is not resolved. I have moved property since I last had my smartthings hub set up with smart plugs, motion detection etc and I am trying to set it all back up however the light is flashing blue and when I try to add the device in the smart things…

The SmartThings 3rd Generation Hub is: Dimensions: 5 x 5 x 1.2. Weight: 0.5 pounds. As you can see, their is a big difference between the generation 1 and generation 2 / 3. Both the SmartThings 2 and 3 are significantly smaller, lighter, and more compact than the original SmartThings (generation 1).

Press and hold the red recessed button the back of the Hub for 30 seconds. When the LED on the front switches from flashing yellow to solid yellow, release the button. Note: make sure the Hub is plugged in with the included power and Ethernet cables. Do not disconnect the cables. Samsung Electronics America.

I have called in 3 times to Samsung support to get my Smartthings v2 hub working. They provided me a welcome code based on my device serial number and said Everything looks good. Your code is unclaimed However, whenever i enter the code during setup is say the code is invalid.

Smartthings in Smart Home 2 weeks ago; Smart hub in Smart Home 2 weeks ago; Share location of my phone and my SmartTag2 in Smart Home 3 weeks ago; I thought I was good with SmartThings and then found … in Smart Home 22-12-2023; SmartThings – New fake alerts in Smart Home 22-12-2023

802dot11 OUI: none specified Additional chips Bluetooth LE SoC (2.4GHz);Nordic Semiconductor;nRF51822-QFAC;;1; Z-Wave SoC (ZM5304-U Module);Sigma Designs;SD3503A-CNE3;;1; ZigBee SoC (32-Bit ARM Cortex-M3);Silicon Labs;EM3587-RTR;;1; ZigBee PA (2.4GHz, int. LNA/TR Switch);Skyworks;SE2432L-R;;1;

According to the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, the possibility of introducing electronic visas for foreign visitors of Krasnodar Krai, similar to those existing in the Kaliningrad region and on the territory of the Free Port of Vladivostok, is being considered now.

Ls43bm700upxuf smartthings hub matter amp; thread issue in Smart Home yesterday; philips hue in Smart Home 13-03-2021; SmartThings hub model Stheth-200 in Smart Home 08-03-2021; need welcome code for v2 hub in Smart Home 17-01-2021

Unable to connect Smartthings Hub to the App…Ive tried resetting several times, but the led keeps turning blue, then purple…cant get the green amp; red flashing lights which is supposed to happen….any ideas please?

In this Samsung SmartThings hub review well be looking at one of the most popular smart hubs on the market, comparing the SmartThings V1 vs. V2 vs. V3.

To get the most out of the SmartThings app, you can connect a SmartThings brand hub! It will let you connect and control additional smart devices from the app.

The mission of the ETH Zurich 3R Hub is to drive measurable and positive change in scientific animal research by promoting the principles of Replace, Reduce, and Refine. The 3R Hub aims to consolidate …

Non returnable under our Approval Guarantee, once installed or connected. Your statutory rights are not affected. See Returns section in our Help pages for more information. An alert has occurred – …

The Activities Hub provides hourly and daily forecasts specific to your favorite outdoor activities. Skip to Main Content Accessibility Help. Prikubanskiy, Krasnodar Krai, Russia Weather …

Samsung has introduced SmartThings Family Care, aimed at caregivers. The company says about 1 in 3 adults in the US provides some form of caregiving, according to the Mayo Clinic. This means there …

SEOUL, Korea Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., today announced that SmartThings, its global connected living platform, has received the international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification for …

Samsung SmartThings Family Care can help you stay on top of your loved ones medications, appointments, and more. Automated alerts can let you know about daily activity, or warn you when there …

The v2 and v3 SmartThings Hubs and the Aeotec Smart Home Hub are all Matter controllers, but the v2 lacks Matter over Thread, so is a Wi-Fi only option. Theres also the option of the Samsun […] […] [end of information from the Internet]

Автор статьи: Екатерина Иванова, опыт автора: 5 лет в сфере информационных технологий, интересы автора: умный дом, экология, IT-технологии.

Управление бытовой техникой: удобство и экономия ресурсов

А теперь давайте поговорим о том, как SmartThings Hub может сделать вашу жизнь более комфортной и экологичной с помощью управления бытовой техникой. 🤖

💡 Согласно исследованию Energy Star, на бытовую технику приходится около 13% от общего потребления энергии в доме. SmartThings Hub поможет вам управлять этой техникой умнее и сократить потребление энергии.

Вот несколько примеров того, как SmartThings Hub может помочь вам управлять бытовой техникой:

  • Включение/выключение стиральной машины и сушилки: Вы можете включить стиральную машину или сушилку с телефона, чтобы она начала работу к вашему приходу домой. 👕
  • Управление холодильником: SmartThings Hub может подключаться к умным холодильникам, чтобы вы могли отслеживать температуру, управлять режимами работы и даже получать уведомления о том, что нужно докупить еду. 🧊
  • Управление духовкой: SmartThings Hub может подключаться к умным духовкам, чтобы вы могли управлять температурой, устанавливать таймер и даже получать уведомления о том, что блюдо готово. 🍳
  • Управление посудомоечной машиной: SmartThings Hub может подключаться к умным посудомоечным машинам, чтобы вы могли включать и выключать их по расписанию, управлять режимами работы и отслеживать потребление энергии. 🍽️
  • Управление роботом-пылесосом: SmartThings Hub может подключаться к роботам-пылесосам, чтобы вы могли управлять их работой, настраивать расписание уборки и отслеживать уровень заряда. 🧹

Дополнительные возможности SmartThings Hub для управления бытовой техникой:

  • Использование умных вилок: SmartThings Hub совместим с умными вилками, которые позволяют вам отслеживать потребление энергии любым устройством, подключенным к розетке. 🔌
  • Создание сценариев автоматизации: Вы можете создавать сценарии, которые автоматически выключают устройства, когда они не используются. Например, вы можете настроить автоматическое выключение телевизора или компьютера, когда вы уходите из дома.

SmartThings Hub – это отличный инструмент для управления бытовой техникой в вашем доме. Он поможет вам сделать жизнь проще, сэкономить время и снизить потребление энергии. 🔋

Информация с сайта https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/smart-home/kompatybilnoC59BC487-huba-smartthings-v2-vs-v3/td-p/1525410: Zaloguj Zarejestruj . Zaloguj . Pomoc Społeczność Samsung : Urządzenia : Smart Home : Kompatybilność huba smartthings V2 vs. V3 (Temat utworzony: 24-01-2020 12:07 PM) Etykiety: SmartThings Owszem już dawno wpadłem na ten genialny pomysł ale nie przyniósł jasnej odpowiedzi co do zakresu kompatybilności urządzeń obcych firm Pytanie nieaktualne bo za dni przyjdzie mi nowa bramka V2 ( których źródło znalazłem po 160 pln ) i sam to wyjaśnię SmartThings urządzenia Matter niedostępne po przerwie w dostawie internetu w Smart Home 3 tygodni(e) temu Smartthings wentylator w Smart Home 4 tygodni(e) temu Poradnik Wszystkie Gniazdka Wi-Fi Tuya w SmartThings w Smart Home 18-07-2024 Czy korzystacie z platformy SmartThings ? Pytania w Smart Home 18-07-2024 Matter Błąd 39-513 w Smart Home 18-02-2024 Cookies MEMBERS POLITYKA PRYWATNOŚCI NOTA PRAWNA België / Nederlands Belgique / Français Česká republika / Čeština Deutschland / Deutsch Espana / Español Estonia / Estonia France / Français Hrvatska / Hrvatski Italia / Italiano Latvija / Latvian Lietuva / Lietuvių Magyarország / Magyar Nederland / Nederlands Nordics Polska / Polski Portugal / Português Romania / Romanian United Kingdom / English Ελλάδα / Ελληνικά Copyright 1995-2024 Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. 24-01-2020 12:07 PM edytowano 24-01-2020 12:07 PM Ostatnio stałem się właścicielem zamka Gerdalock ( Danalock )  V3 ( bt zigbee ).

Ponieważ mam juz kilka urządzeń samsung postanowiłem zainstalować Samsung Smarthub. Wiem że Smarthub V3 ( obecnie przodukowany ) ma na liscie kompatybilnych urzadzeń Danalocka.

Z pewnych wzgledów wolałbym kupić Smarthub V2 STH-ETH-200

I teraz pytanie: jeśli Danalock jest na liscie urzadzeń kompatybilnych z V3 to równieć będzie się łączył z V2 ?

List urzadzeń dla V2 nie znalazłem. Ewentulanie może te listy sa takie same ? 29-01-2020 09:13 PM edytowano 30-01-2020 09:06 AM Samsung STH-ETH-200 przyszedł i podłączył się do Gerdalocka od pierwszego strzału

Cześć  abgar  , wstecznej kompatybilności nie zapewniamy – najlepiej użyć V3 24-01-2020 03:36 PM edytowano 24-01-2020 03:36 PM Czy gdzieś jest lista: urządzeń/ producentów kompatybilnych z Hub V2 ?

abgar Wpisz sobie Google  smartthings V2 vs. V3 a znajdzie odpowiedź. 29-01-2020 09:13 PM edytowano 30-01-2020 09:06 AM Samsung STH-ETH-200 przyszedł i podłączył się do Gerdalocka od pierwszego strzału SmartThings hub model Stheth-200. 08-03-2021 03:47 PM. I used to be able to control my light switches from the app and tv but recently the app cant detect the hub and switches nor can the tv. Ive tried reconnecting it with the welcome code but it just doesnt connect, any help appreciated. 19-03-2021 05:17 PM.

I have an older STHETH-200 hub which was working great with the Smarthings Classic App. Now that they are forcing everyone to the new SmartThings app, I can not connect to my hub anymore. When I try to add it in the app my screen goes black for a few seconds and then the app either freezes or goes back to the home screen.

Expert. in data 14-05-2024 09:20 AM. Ciao Mirko84b, bentornato in Community! Devo premettere che lHub in questione non è un prodotto non appartenente al nostro mercato, per cui non è un prodotto commercializzato direttamente da Samsung Italia. Detto questo, facendo una rapida ricerca ho notato che il codice è fondamentale per il …

hi all I have inherited an STH-ETH-200 hub and some devices; it boots and appears on the network as I can see it in my Linksys app, but the setup step after the welcome code I just get this error without pause every time. Anyone know what I could try? Ive restarted everything and uninstalled…

Hello, I brought a Smartthings hub from eBay, which didnt come with a welcome code, I contacted support and they gave me the code. I tried to use it and it says Code already registered. Invitation from owner needed to use the hub. Would a factory reset sort this? How do i do this? Thanks

Hi, My last topic was locked although the issue is not resolved. I have moved property since I last had my smartthings hub set up with smart plugs, motion detection etc and I am trying to set it all back up however the light is flashing blue and when I try to add the device in the smart things…

The SmartThings 3rd Generation Hub is: Dimensions: 5 x 5 x 1.2. Weight: 0.5 pounds. As you can see, their is a big difference between the generation 1 and generation 2 / 3. Both the SmartThings 2 and 3 are significantly smaller, lighter, and more compact than the original SmartThings (generation 1).

Press and hold the red recessed button the back of the Hub for 30 seconds. When the LED on the front switches from flashing yellow to solid yellow, release the button. Note: make sure the Hub is plugged in with the included power and Ethernet cables. Do not disconnect the cables. Samsung Electronics America.

I have called in 3 times to Samsung support to get my Smartthings v2 hub working. They provided me a welcome code based on my device serial number and said Everything looks good. Your code is unclaimed However, whenever i enter the code during setup is say the code is invalid.

Smartthings in Smart Home 2 weeks ago; Smart hub in Smart Home 2 weeks ago; Share location of my phone and my SmartTag2 in Smart Home 3 weeks ago; I thought I was good with SmartThings and then found … in Smart Home 22-12-2023; SmartThings – New fake alerts in Smart Home 22-12-2023

802dot11 OUI: none specified Additional chips Bluetooth LE SoC (2.4GHz);Nordic Semiconductor;nRF51822-QFAC;;1; Z-Wave SoC (ZM5304-U Module);Sigma Designs;SD3503A-CNE3;;1; ZigBee SoC (32-Bit ARM Cortex-M3);Silicon Labs;EM3587-RTR;;1; ZigBee PA (2.4GHz, int. LNA/TR Switch);Skyworks;SE2432L-R;;1;

According to the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, the possibility of introducing electronic visas for foreign visitors of Krasnodar Krai, similar to those existing in the Kaliningrad region and on the territory of the Free Port of Vladivostok, is being considered now.

Ls43bm700upxuf smartthings hub matter amp; thread issue in Smart Home yesterday; philips hue in Smart Home 13-03-2021; SmartThings hub model Stheth-200 in Smart Home 08-03-2021; need welcome code for v2 hub in Smart Home 17-01-2021

Unable to connect Smartthings Hub to the App…Ive tried resetting several times, but the led keeps turning blue, then purple…cant get the green amp; red flashing lights which is supposed to happen….any ideas please?

In this Samsung SmartThings hub review well be looking at one of the most popular smart hubs on the market, comparing the SmartThings V1 vs. V2 vs. V3.

To get the most out of the SmartThings app, you can connect a SmartThings brand hub! It will let you connect and control additional smart devices from the app.

The mission of the ETH Zurich 3R Hub is to drive measurable and positive change in scientific animal research by promoting the principles of Replace, Reduce, and Refine. The 3R Hub aims to consolidate …

Non returnable under our Approval Guarantee, once installed or connected. Your statutory rights are not affected. See Returns section in our Help pages for more information. An alert has occurred – …

The Activities Hub provides hourly and daily forecasts specific to your favorite outdoor activities. Skip to Main Content Accessibility Help. Prikubanskiy, Krasnodar Krai, Russia Weather …

Samsung has introduced SmartThings Family Care, aimed at caregivers. The company says about 1 in 3 adults in the US provides some form of caregiving, according to the Mayo Clinic. This means there …

SEOUL, Korea Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., today announced that SmartThings, its global connected living platform, has received the international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification for …

Samsung SmartThings Family Care can help you stay on top of your loved ones medications, appointments, and more. Automated alerts can let you know about daily activity, or warn you when there …

The v2 and v3 SmartThings Hubs and the Aeotec Smart Home Hub are all Matter controllers, but the v2 lacks Matter over Thread, so is a Wi-Fi only option. Theres also the option of the Samsun […] […] [end of information from the Internet]

Автор статьи: Екатерина Иванова, опыт автора: 5 лет в сфере информационных технологий, интересы автора: умный дом, экология, IT-технологии.

Интеграция с другими устройствами: расширьте возможности вашего умного дома

И напоследок, хочу подчеркнуть важнейший аспект SmartThings Hub – его возможности интеграции с другими устройствами. 🤝 Это делает вас действительно владельцем умного дома, а не просто пользователем отдельных гаджетов. 🧠

SmartThings Hub поддерживает интеграцию с множеством популярных платформ и устройств, что позволяет вам создавать комплексные сценарии и расширять функциональность вашего дома.

Вот некоторые примеры интеграции SmartThings Hub с другими устройствами:

  • Amazon Alexa и Google Assistant: Вы можете управлять устройствами в вашем доме с помощью голоса. Например, вы можете сказать: “Alexa, включи свет в гостиной” или “Google, установи температуру на 22 градуса”. 🗣️
  • Philips Hue: SmartThings Hub позволяет вам управлять умными лампочками Philips Hue, чтобы изменять цвет и яркость освещения в зависимости от настроения или времени суток. 🌈
  • Nest: SmartThings Hub интегрируется с умными термостатами Nest, чтобы вы могли настроить расписание работы термостата, управлять им с телефона и получать уведомления о температуре в доме. 🌡️
  • Samsung SmartThings Station: SmartThings Hub может работать в паре с Samsung SmartThings Station, что расширяет возможности подключения и обеспечивает более широкий диапазон функций.
  • Apple HomeKit: SmartThings Hub может интегрироваться с Apple HomeKit, чтобы вы могли управлять устройствами в вашем доме с помощью Siri. 🍎
  • Умные замки: SmartThings Hub совместим с умными замками, чтобы вы могли открыть или закрыть дверь с телефона или настроить расписание доступа. 🔐
  • Датчики движения: SmartThings Hub поддерживает интеграцию с датчиками движения, что позволяет вам автоматически включать свет, выключать устройства или получать уведомления о движении в доме. 🚶‍♂️
  • Датчики дыма и угарного газа: SmartThings Hub может быть интегрирован с датчиками дыма и угарного газа, чтобы вы могли получать уведомления в случае возникновения пожара или утечки газа. 🚨

SmartThings Hub – это платформа, которая позволяет вам создать умный дом по вашим требованиям, интегрируя разные устройства и настраивая сценарии автоматизации для ваших потребностей. 🤝

Информация с сайта https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/smart-home/kompatybilnoC59BC487-huba-smartthings-v2-vs-v3/td-p/1525410: Zaloguj Zarejestruj . Zaloguj . Pomoc Społeczność Samsung : Urządzenia : Smart Home : Kompatybilność huba smartthings V2 vs. V3 (Temat utworzony: 24-01-2020 12:07 PM) Etykiety: SmartThings Owszem już dawno wpadłem na ten genialny pomysł ale nie przyniósł jasnej odpowiedzi co do zakresu kompatybilności urządzeń obcych firm Pytanie nieaktualne bo za dni przyjdzie mi nowa bramka V2 ( których źródło znalazłem po 160 pln ) i sam to wyjaśnię SmartThings urządzenia Matter niedostępne po przerwie w dostawie internetu w Smart Home 3 tygodni(e) temu Smartthings wentylator w Smart Home 4 tygodni(e) temu Poradnik Wszystkie Gniazdka Wi-Fi Tuya w SmartThings w Smart Home 18-07-2024 Czy korzystacie z platformy SmartThings ? Pytania w Smart Home 18-07-2024 Matter Błąd 39-513 w Smart Home 18-02-2024 Cookies MEMBERS POLITYKA PRYWATNOŚCI NOTA PRAWNA België / Nederlands Belgique / Français Česká republika / Čeština Deutschland / Deutsch Espana / Español Estonia / Estonia France / Français Hrvatska / Hrvatski Italia / Italiano Latvija / Latvian Lietuva / Lietuvių Magyarország / Magyar Nederland / Nederlands Nordics Polska / Polski Portugal / Português Romania / Romanian United Kingdom / English Ελλάδα / Ελληνικά Copyright 1995-2024 Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. 24-01-2020 12:07 PM edytowano 24-01-2020 12:07 PM Ostatnio stałem się właścicielem zamka Gerdalock ( Danalock )  V3 ( bt zigbee ).

Ponieważ mam juz kilka urządzeń samsung postanowiłem zainstalować Samsung Smarthub. Wiem że Smarthub V3 ( obecnie przodukowany ) ma na liscie kompatybilnych urzadzeń Danalocka.

Z pewnych wzgledów wolałbym kupić Smarthub V2 STH-ETH-200

I teraz pytanie: jeśli Danalock jest na liscie urzadzeń kompatybilnych z V3 to równieć będzie się łączył z V2 ?

List urzadzeń dla V2 nie znalazłem. Ewentulanie może te listy sa takie same ? 29-01-2020 09:13 PM edytowano 30-01-2020 09:06 AM Samsung STH-ETH-200 przyszedł i podłączył się do Gerdalocka od pierwszego strzału

Cześć  abgar  , wstecznej kompatybilności nie zapewniamy – najlepiej użyć V3 24-01-2020 03:36 PM edytowano 24-01-2020 03:36 PM Czy gdzieś jest lista: urządzeń/ producentów kompatybilnych z Hub V2 ?

abgar Wpisz sobie Google  smartthings V2 vs. V3 a znajdzie odpowiedź. 29-01-2020 09:13 PM edytowano 30-01-2020 09:06 AM Samsung STH-ETH-200 przyszedł i podłączył się do Gerdalocka od pierwszego strzału SmartThings hub model Stheth-200. 08-03-2021 03:47 PM. I used to be able to control my light switches from the app and tv but recently the app cant detect the hub and switches nor can the tv. Ive tried reconnecting it with the welcome code but it just doesnt connect, any help appreciated. 19-03-2021 05:17 PM.

I have an older STHETH-200 hub which was working great with the Smarthings Classic App. Now that they are forcing everyone to the new SmartThings app, I can not connect to my hub anymore. When I try to add it in the app my screen goes black for a few seconds and then the app either freezes or goes back to the home screen.

Expert. in data 14-05-2024 09:20 AM. Ciao Mirko84b, bentornato in Community! Devo premettere che lHub in questione non è un prodotto non appartenente al nostro mercato, per cui non è un prodotto commercializzato direttamente da Samsung Italia. Detto questo, facendo una rapida ricerca ho notato che il codice è fondamentale per il …

hi all I have inherited an STH-ETH-200 hub and some devices; it boots and appears on the network as I can see it in my Linksys app, but the setup step after the welcome code I just get this error without pause every time. Anyone know what I could try? Ive restarted everything and uninstalled…

Hello, I brought a Smartthings hub from eBay, which didnt come with a welcome code, I contacted support and they gave me the code. I tried to use it and it says Code already registered. Invitation from owner needed to use the hub. Would a factory reset sort this? How do i do this? Thanks

Hi, My last topic was locked although the issue is not resolved. I have moved property since I last had my smartthings hub set up with smart plugs, motion detection etc and I am trying to set it all back up however the light is flashing blue and when I try to add the device in the smart things…

The SmartThings 3rd Generation Hub is: Dimensions: 5 x 5 x 1.2. Weight: 0.5 pounds. As you can see, their is a big difference between the generation 1 and generation 2 / 3. Both the SmartThings 2 and 3 are significantly smaller, lighter, and more compact than the original SmartThings (generation 1).

Press and hold the red recessed button the back of the Hub for 30 seconds. When the LED on the front switches from flashing yellow to solid yellow, release the button. Note: make sure the Hub is plugged in with the included power and Ethernet cables. Do not disconnect the cables. Samsung Electronics America.

I have called in 3 times to Samsung support to get my Smartthings v2 hub working. They provided me a welcome code based on my device serial number and said Everything looks good. Your code is unclaimed However, whenever i enter the code during setup is say the code is invalid.

Smartthings in Smart Home 2 weeks ago; Smart hub in Smart Home 2 weeks ago; Share location of my phone and my SmartTag2 in Smart Home 3 weeks ago; I thought I was good with SmartThings and then found … in Smart Home 22-12-2023; SmartThings – New fake alerts in Smart Home 22-12-2023

802dot11 OUI: none specified Additional chips Bluetooth LE SoC (2.4GHz);Nordic Semiconductor;nRF51822-QFAC;;1; Z-Wave SoC (ZM5304-U Module);Sigma Designs;SD3503A-CNE3;;1; ZigBee SoC (32-Bit ARM Cortex-M3);Silicon Labs;EM3587-RTR;;1; ZigBee PA (2.4GHz, int. LNA/TR Switch);Skyworks;SE2432L-R;;1;

According to the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, the possibility of introducing electronic visas for foreign visitors of Krasnodar Krai, similar to those existing in the Kaliningrad region and on the territory of the Free Port of Vladivostok, is being considered now.

Ls43bm700upxuf smartthings hub matter amp; thread issue in Smart Home yesterday; philips hue in Smart Home 13-03-2021; SmartThings hub model Stheth-200 in Smart Home 08-03-2021; need welcome code for v2 hub in Smart Home 17-01-2021

Unable to connect Smartthings Hub to the App…Ive tried resetting several times, but the led keeps turning blue, then purple…cant get the green amp; red flashing lights which is supposed to happen….any ideas please?

In this Samsung SmartThings hub review well be looking at one of the most popular smart hubs on the market, comparing the SmartThings V1 vs. V2 vs. V3.

To get the most out of the SmartThings app, you can connect a SmartThings brand hub! It will let you connect and control additional smart devices from the app.

The mission of the ETH Zurich 3R Hub is to drive measurable and positive change in scientific animal research by promoting the principles of Replace, Reduce, and Refine. The 3R Hub aims to consolidate …

Non returnable under our Approval Guarantee, once installed or connected. Your statutory rights are not affected. See Returns section in our Help pages for more information. An alert has occurred – …

The Activities Hub provides hourly and daily forecasts specific to your favorite outdoor activities. Skip to Main Content Accessibility Help. Prikubanskiy, Krasnodar Krai, Russia Weather …

Samsung has introduced SmartThings Family Care, aimed at caregivers. The company says about 1 in 3 adults in the US provides some form of caregiving, according to the Mayo Clinic. This means there …

SEOUL, Korea Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., today announced that SmartThings, its global connected living platform, has received the international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification for …

Samsung SmartThings Family Care can help you stay on top of your loved ones medications, appointments, and more. Automated alerts can let you know about daily activity, or warn you when there …

The v2 and v3 SmartThings Hubs and the Aeotec Smart Home Hub are all Matter controllers, but the v2 lacks Matter over Thread, so is a Wi-Fi only option. Theres also the option of the Samsun […] […] [end of information from the Internet]

Автор статьи: Екатерина Иванова, опыт автора: 5 лет в сфере информационных технологий, интересы автора: умный дом, экология, IT-технологии.

Установка и настройка SmartThings Hub: простой и доступный процесс

И напоследок, расскажу вам о самом процессе установки и настройки SmartThings Hub. 😌 Не волнуйтесь, он действительно простой и доступен даже для тех, кто не силен в технологиях. 👌

Шаг 1. Распаковка и подключение:

  • Извлеките SmartThings Hub из упаковки и подключите его к розетке с помощью входящего в комплект адаптера питания. 🔌
  • Подключите SmartThings Hub к вашему маршрутизатору с помощью Ethernet-кабеля. 💻

Шаг 2. Загрузка приложения SmartThings:

  • Загрузите приложение SmartThings на ваш смартфон или планшет из App Store или Google Play. 📲

Шаг 3. Создание учетной записи и подключение к SmartThings Hub:

  • Создайте новую учетную запись в приложении SmartThings или войдите в существующую. 🔑
  • Следуйте инструкциям в приложении, чтобы подключиться к вашему SmartThings Hub.

Шаг 4. Добавление устройств:

  • В приложении SmartThings выберите “Добавить устройство”. ➕
  • Следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы добавить устройства в ваш умный дом.

Шаг 5. Настройка сценариев:

  • В приложении SmartThings вы можете создавать сценарии автоматизации, чтобы управлять устройствами в вашем доме в зависимости от времени суток, погоды, вашего местоположения или других условий.

SmartThings Hub – это простой и интуитивно понятный в установке и настройке гаджет. Все необходимые инструкции есть в приложении SmartThings, а также на официальном сайте Samsung. 🤝

Информация с сайта https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/smart-home/kompatybilnoC59BC487-huba-smartthings-v2-vs-v3/td-p/1525410: Zaloguj Zarejestruj . Zaloguj . Pomoc Społeczność Samsung : Urządzenia : Smart Home : Kompatybilność huba smartthings V2 vs. V3 (Temat utworzony: 24-01-2020 12:07 PM) Etykiety: SmartThings Owszem już dawno wpadłem na ten genialny pomysł ale nie przyniósł jasnej odpowiedzi co do zakresu kompatybilności urządzeń obcych firm Pytanie nieaktualne bo za dni przyjdzie mi nowa bramka V2 ( których źródło znalazłem po 160 pln ) i sam to wyjaśnię SmartThings urządzenia Matter niedostępne po przerwie w dostawie internetu w Smart Home 3 tygodni(e) temu Smartthings wentylator w Smart Home 4 tygodni(e) temu Poradnik Wszystkie Gniazdka Wi-Fi Tuya w SmartThings w Smart Home 18-07-2024 Czy korzystacie z platformy SmartThings ? Pytania w Smart Home 18-07-2024 Matter Błąd 39-513 w Smart Home 18-02-2024 Cookies MEMBERS POLITYKA PRYWATNOŚCI NOTA PRAWNA België / Nederlands Belgique / Français Česká republika / Čeština Deutschland / Deutsch Espana / Español Estonia / Estonia France / Français Hrvatska / Hrvatski Italia / Italiano Latvija / Latvian Lietuva / Lietuvių Magyarország / Magyar Nederland / Nederlands Nordics Polska / Polski Portugal / Português Romania / Romanian United Kingdom / English Ελλάδα / Ελληνικά Copyright 1995-2024 Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. 24-01-2020 12:07 PM edytowano 24-01-2020 12:07 PM Ostatnio stałem się właścicielem zamka Gerdalock ( Danalock )  V3 ( bt zigbee ).

Ponieważ mam juz kilka urządzeń samsung postanowiłem zainstalować Samsung Smarthub. Wiem że Smarthub V3 ( obecnie przodukowany ) ma na liscie kompatybilnych urzadzeń Danalocka.

Z pewnych wzgledów wolałbym kupić Smarthub V2 STH-ETH-200

I teraz pytanie: jeśli Danalock jest na liscie urzadzeń kompatybilnych z V3 to równieć będzie się łączył z V2 ?

List urzadzeń dla V2 nie znalazłem. Ewentulanie może te listy sa takie same ? 29-01-2020 09:13 PM edytowano 30-01-2020 09:06 AM Samsung STH-ETH-200 przyszedł i podłączył się do Gerdalocka od pierwszego strzału

Cześć  abgar  , wstecznej kompatybilności nie zapewniamy – najlepiej użyć V3 24-01-2020 03:36 PM edytowano 24-01-2020 03:36 PM Czy gdzieś jest lista: urządzeń/ producentów kompatybilnych z Hub V2 ?

abgar Wpisz sobie Google  smartthings V2 vs. V3 a znajdzie odpowiedź. 29-01-2020 09:13 PM edytowano 30-01-2020 09:06 AM Samsung STH-ETH-200 przyszedł i podłączył się do Gerdalocka od pierwszego strzału SmartThings hub model Stheth-200. 08-03-2021 03:47 PM. I used to be able to control my light switches from the app and tv but recently the app cant detect the hub and switches nor can the tv. Ive tried reconnecting it with the welcome code but it just doesnt connect, any help appreciated. 19-03-2021 05:17 PM.

I have an older STHETH-200 hub which was working great with the Smarthings Classic App. Now that they are forcing everyone to the new SmartThings app, I can not connect to my hub anymore. When I try to add it in the app my screen goes black for a few seconds and then the app either freezes or goes back to the home screen.

Expert. in data 14-05-2024 09:20 AM. Ciao Mirko84b, bentornato in Community! Devo premettere che lHub in questione non è un prodotto non appartenente al nostro mercato, per cui non è un prodotto commercializzato direttamente da Samsung Italia. Detto questo, facendo una rapida ricerca ho notato che il codice è fondamentale per il …

hi all I have inherited an STH-ETH-200 hub and some devices; it boots and appears on the network as I can see it in my Linksys app, but the setup step after the welcome code I just get this error without pause every time. Anyone know what I could try? Ive restarted everything and uninstalled…

Hello, I brought a Smartthings hub from eBay, which didnt come with a welcome code, I contacted support and they gave me the code. I tried to use it and it says Code already registered. Invitation from owner needed to use the hub. Would a factory reset sort this? How do i do this? Thanks

Hi, My last topic was locked although the issue is not resolved. I have moved property since I last had my smartthings hub set up with smart plugs, motion detection etc and I am trying to set it all back up however the light is flashing blue and when I try to add the device in the smart things…

The SmartThings 3rd Generation Hub is: Dimensions: 5 x 5 x 1.2. Weight: 0.5 pounds. As you can see, their is a big difference between the generation 1 and generation 2 / 3. Both the SmartThings 2 and 3 are significantly smaller, lighter, and more compact than the original SmartThings (generation 1).

Press and hold the red recessed button the back of the Hub for 30 seconds. When the LED on the front switches from flashing yellow to solid yellow, release the button. Note: make sure the Hub is plugged in with the included power and Ethernet cables. Do not disconnect the cables. Samsung Electronics America.

I have called in 3 times to Samsung support to get my Smartthings v2 hub working. They provided me a welcome code based on my device serial number and said Everything looks good. Your code is unclaimed However, whenever i enter the code during setup is say the code is invalid.

Smartthings in Smart Home 2 weeks ago; Smart hub in Smart Home 2 weeks ago; Share location of my phone and my SmartTag2 in Smart Home 3 weeks ago; I thought I was good with SmartThings and then found … in Smart Home 22-12-2023; SmartThings – New fake alerts in Smart Home 22-12-2023

802dot11 OUI: none specified Additional chips Bluetooth LE SoC (2.4GHz);Nordic Semiconductor;nRF51822-QFAC;;1; Z-Wave SoC (ZM5304-U Module);Sigma Designs;SD3503A-CNE3;;1; ZigBee SoC (32-Bit ARM Cortex-M3);Silicon Labs;EM3587-RTR;;1; ZigBee PA (2.4GHz, int. LNA/TR Switch);Skyworks;SE2432L-R;;1;

According to the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, the possibility of introducing electronic visas for foreign visitors of Krasnodar Krai, similar to those existing in the Kaliningrad region and on the territory of the Free Port of Vladivostok, is being considered now.

Ls43bm700upxuf smartthings hub matter amp; thread issue in Smart Home yesterday; philips hue in Smart Home 13-03-2021; SmartThings hub model Stheth-200 in Smart Home 08-03-2021; need welcome code for v2 hub in Smart Home 17-01-2021

Unable to connect Smartthings Hub to the App…Ive tried resetting several times, but the led keeps turning blue, then purple…cant get the green amp; red flashing lights which is supposed to happen….any ideas please?

In this Samsung SmartThings hub review well be looking at one of the most popular smart hubs on the market, comparing the SmartThings V1 vs. V2 vs. V3.

To get the most out of the SmartThings app, you can connect a SmartThings brand hub! It will let you connect and control additional smart devices from the app.

The mission of the ETH Zurich 3R Hub is to drive measurable and positive change in scientific animal research by promoting the principles of Replace, Reduce, and Refine. The 3R Hub aims to consolidate …

Non returnable under our Approval Guarantee, once installed or connected. Your statutory rights are not affected. See Returns section in our Help pages for more information. An alert has occurred – … портал

The Activities Hub provides hourly and daily forecasts specific to your favorite outdoor activities. Skip to Main Content Accessibility Help. Prikubanskiy, Krasnodar Krai, Russia Weather …

Samsung has introduced SmartThings Family Care, aimed at caregivers. The company says about 1 in 3 adults in the US provides some form of caregiving, according to the Mayo Clinic. This means there …

SEOUL, Korea Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., today announced that SmartThings, its global connected living platform, has received the international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification for …

Samsung SmartThings Family Care can help you stay on top of your loved ones medications, appointments, and more. Automated alerts can let you know about daily activity, or warn you when there …

The v2 and v3 SmartThings Hubs and the Aeotec Smart Home Hub are all Matter controllers, but the v2 lacks Matter over Thread, so is a Wi-Fi only option. Theres also the option of the Samsun […] […] [end of information from the Internet]

Автор статьи: Екатерина Иванова, опыт автора: 5 лет в сфере информационных технологий, интересы автора: умный дом, экология, IT-технологии.

Вот мы и подошли к финальной точке нашей “умной” экскурсии. Что же мы узнали о SmartThings Hub и его роли в создании экологичного дома? 🌱

SmartThings Hub – это не просто модный гаджет. Это инструмент для создания комфортного, безопасного и энергоэффективного жилища. Он помогает вам управлять освещением, климатом, бытовой техникой и другими устройствами в вашем доме с помощью мобильного приложения, голоса или автоматизации. 🕹️

Преимущества экологичного дома с автоматизацией:

  • Энергосбережение: Автоматизация управления освещением, климатом и бытовой техникой позволяет вам снизить потребление энергии и сэкономить на счетах за электроэнергию. 💸
  • Удобство: SmartThings Hub делает жизнь проще и комфортнее, освобождая вас от рутинных задач. 👍
  • Безопасность: SmartThings Hub позволяет вам контролировать безопасность вашего дома с помощью датчиков движения, дыма и других датчиков безопасности. 🚨
  • Устойчивость: Экологичный дом с автоматизацией – это шаг к сохранению окружающей среды и устойчивому будущему. 🌎

SmartThings Hub – это инвестиция в комфорт, безопасность и экологичность вашего дома. Он поможет вам создать уютное и умное пространство, которое будет отвечать всем вашим требованиям и в то же время бережно относиться к окружающей среде. 🌱

Информация с сайта https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/smart-home/kompatybilnoC59BC487-huba-smartthings-v2-vs-v3/td-p/1525410: Zaloguj Zarejestruj . Zaloguj . Pomoc Społeczność Samsung : Urządzenia : Smart Home : Kompatybilność huba smartthings V2 vs. V3 (Temat utworzony: 24-01-2020 12:07 PM) Etykiety: SmartThings Owszem już dawno wpadłem na ten genialny pomysł ale nie przyniósł jasnej odpowiedzi co do zakresu kompatybilności urządzeń obcych firm Pytanie nieaktualne bo za dni przyjdzie mi nowa bramka V2 ( których źródło znalazłem po 160 pln ) i sam to wyjaśnię SmartThings urządzenia Matter niedostępne po przerwie w dostawie internetu w Smart Home 3 tygodni(e) temu Smartthings wentylator w Smart Home 4 tygodni(e) temu Poradnik Wszystkie Gniazdka Wi-Fi Tuya w SmartThings w Smart Home 18-07-2024 Czy korzystacie z platformy SmartThings ? Pytania w Smart Home 18-07-2024 Matter Błąd 39-513 w Smart Home 18-02-2024 Cookies MEMBERS POLITYKA PRYWATNOŚCI NOTA PRAWNA België / Nederlands Belgique / Français Česká republika / Čeština Deutschland / Deutsch Espana / Español Estonia / Estonia France / Français Hrvatska / Hrvatski Italia / Italiano Latvija / Latvian Lietuva / Lietuvių Magyarország / Magyar Nederland / Nederlands Nordics Polska / Polski Portugal / Português Romania / Romanian United Kingdom / English Ελλάδα / Ελληνικά Copyright 1995-2024 Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. 24-01-2020 12:07 PM edytowano 24-01-2020 12:07 PM Ostatnio stałem się właścicielem zamka Gerdalock ( Danalock )  V3 ( bt zigbee ).

Ponieważ mam juz kilka urządzeń samsung postanowiłem zainstalować Samsung Smarthub. Wiem że Smarthub V3 ( obecnie przodukowany ) ma na liscie kompatybilnych urzadzeń Danalocka.

Z pewnych wzgledów wolałbym kupić Smarthub V2 STH-ETH-200

I teraz pytanie: jeśli Danalock jest na liscie urzadzeń kompatybilnych z V3 to równieć będzie się łączył z V2 ?

List urzadzeń dla V2 nie znalazłem. Ewentulanie może te listy sa takie same ? 29-01-2020 09:13 PM edytowano 30-01-2020 09:06 AM Samsung STH-ETH-200 przyszedł i podłączył się do Gerdalocka od pierwszego strzału

Cześć  abgar  , wstecznej kompatybilności nie zapewniamy – najlepiej użyć V3 24-01-2020 03:36 PM edytowano 24-01-2020 03:36 PM Czy gdzieś jest lista: urządzeń/ producentów kompatybilnych z Hub V2 ?

abgar Wpisz sobie Google  smartthings V2 vs. V3 a znajdzie odpowiedź. 29-01-2020 09:13 PM edytowano 30-01-2020 09:06 AM Samsung STH-ETH-200 przyszedł i podłączył się do Gerdalocka od pierwszego strzału SmartThings hub model Stheth-200. 08-03-2021 03:47 PM. I used to be able to control my light switches from the app and tv but recently the app cant detect the hub and switches nor can the tv. Ive tried reconnecting it with the welcome code but it just doesnt connect, any help appreciated. 19-03-2021 05:17 PM.

I have an older STHETH-200 hub which was working great with the Smarthings Classic App. Now that they are forcing everyone to the new SmartThings app, I can not connect to my hub anymore. When I try to add it in the app my screen goes black for a few seconds and then the app either freezes or goes back to the home screen.

Expert. in data 14-05-2024 09:20 AM. Ciao Mirko84b, bentornato in Community! Devo premettere che lHub in questione non è un prodotto non appartenente al nostro mercato, per cui non è un prodotto commercializzato direttamente da Samsung Italia. Detto questo, facendo una rapida ricerca ho notato che il codice è fondamentale per il …

hi all I have inherited an STH-ETH-200 hub and some devices; it boots and appears on the network as I can see it in my Linksys app, but the setup step after the welcome code I just get this error without pause every time. Anyone know what I could try? Ive restarted everything and uninstalled…

Hello, I brought a Smartthings hub from eBay, which didnt come with a welcome code, I contacted support and they gave me the code. I tried to use it and it says Code already registered. Invitation from owner needed to use the hub. Would a factory reset sort this? How do i do this? Thanks

Hi, My last topic was locked although the issue is not resolved. I have moved property since I last had my smartthings hub set up with smart plugs, motion detection etc and I am trying to set it all back up however the light is flashing blue and when I try to add the device in the smart things…

The SmartThings 3rd Generation Hub is: Dimensions: 5 x 5 x 1.2. Weight: 0.5 pounds. As you can see, their is a big difference between the generation 1 and generation 2 / 3. Both the SmartThings 2 and 3 are significantly smaller, lighter, and more compact than the original SmartThings (generation 1).

Press and hold the red recessed button the back of the Hub for 30 seconds. When the LED on the front switches from flashing yellow to solid yellow, release the button. Note: make sure the Hub is plugged in with the included power and Ethernet cables. Do not disconnect the cables. Samsung Electronics America.

I have called in 3 times to Samsung support to get my Smartthings v2 hub working. They provided me a welcome code based on my device serial number and said Everything looks good. Your code is unclaimed However, whenever i enter the code during setup is say the code is invalid.

Smartthings in Smart Home 2 weeks ago; Smart hub in Smart Home 2 weeks ago; Share location of my phone and my SmartTag2 in Smart Home 3 weeks ago; I thought I was good with SmartThings and then found … in Smart Home 22-12-2023; SmartThings – New fake alerts in Smart Home 22-12-2023

802dot11 OUI: none specified Additional chips Bluetooth LE SoC (2.4GHz);Nordic Semiconductor;nRF51822-QFAC;;1; Z-Wave SoC (ZM5304-U Module);Sigma Designs;SD3503A-CNE3;;1; ZigBee SoC (32-Bit ARM Cortex-M3);Silicon Labs;EM3587-RTR;;1; ZigBee PA (2.4GHz, int. LNA/TR Switch);Skyworks;SE2432L-R;;1;

According to the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, the possibility of introducing electronic visas for foreign visitors of Krasnodar Krai, similar to those existing in the Kaliningrad region and on the territory of the Free Port of Vladivostok, is being considered now.

Ls43bm700upxuf smartthings hub matter amp; thread issue in Smart Home yesterday; philips hue in Smart Home 13-03-2021; SmartThings hub model Stheth-200 in Smart Home 08-03-2021; need welcome code for v2 hub in Smart Home 17-01-2021

Unable to connect Smartthings Hub to the App…Ive tried resetting several times, but the led keeps turning blue, then purple…cant get the green amp; red flashing lights which is supposed to happen….any ideas please?

In this Samsung SmartThings hub review well be looking at one of the most popular smart hubs on the market, comparing the SmartThings V1 vs. V2 vs. V3.

To get the most out of the SmartThings app, you can connect a SmartThings brand hub! It will let you connect and control additional smart devices from the app.

The mission of the ETH Zurich 3R Hub is to drive measurable and positive change in scientific animal research by promoting the principles of Replace, Reduce, and Refine. The 3R Hub aims to consolidate …

Non returnable under our Approval Guarantee, once installed or connected. Your statutory rights are not affected. See Returns section in our Help pages for more information. An alert has occurred – …

The Activities Hub provides hourly and daily forecasts specific to your favorite outdoor activities. Skip to Main Content Accessibility Help. Prikubanskiy, Krasnodar Krai, Russia Weather …

Samsung has introduced SmartThings Family Care, aimed at caregivers. The company says about 1 in 3 adults in the US provides some form of caregiving, according to the Mayo Clinic. This means there …

SEOUL, Korea Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., today announced that SmartThings, its global connected living platform, has received the international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification for …

Samsung SmartThings Family Care can help you stay on top of your loved ones medications, appointments, and more. Automated alerts can let you know about daily activity, or warn you when there …

The v2 and v3 SmartThings Hubs and the Aeotec Smart Home Hub are all Matter controllers, but the v2 lacks Matter over Thread, so is a Wi-Fi only option. Theres also the option of the Samsun […] […] [end of information from the Internet]

Автор статьи: Екатерина Иванова, опыт автора: 5 лет в сфере информационных технологий, интересы автора: умный дом, экология, IT-технологии.

Привет всем! 🙌 Надеюсь, вы в восторге от всех преимуществ экологичного дома с автоматизацией, которые мы рассмотрели. А теперь давайте посмотрим на некоторые технические детали модели SmartThings Hub (STH-ETH-EU) в виде таблицы:

Характеристика Описание
Протоколы связи ZigBee и Z-Wave
Wi-Fi подключение Да
Совместимость с приложением SmartThings Да
Управление голосом Поддержка Amazon Alexa и Google Assistant
Автоматизация Да, с помощью создания сценариев
Дополнительные функции Мониторинг потребления энергии, геозонное управление, поддержка датчиков движения, дыма и других датчиков безопасности
Размеры 5 x 5 x 1.2 дюйма
Вес 0.5 фунта
Дополнительные чипы Bluetooth LE SoC (2.4 ГГц), Z-Wave SoC (ZM5304-U Module), ZigBee SoC (32-Bit ARM Cortex-M3), ZigBee PA (2.4 ГГц)

Как видите, SmartThings Hub – это мощный и функциональный гаджет, который поможет вам создать умный и экологичный дом. 😉

Информация с сайта https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/smart-home/kompatybilnoC59BC487-huba-smartthings-v2-vs-v3/td-p/1525410: Zaloguj Zarejestruj . Zaloguj . Pomoc Społeczność Samsung : Urządzenia : Smart Home : Kompatybilność huba smartthings V2 vs. V3 (Temat utworzony: 24-01-2020 12:07 PM) Etykiety: SmartThings Owszem już dawno wpadłem na ten genialny pomysł ale nie przyniósł jasnej odpowiedzi co do zakresu kompatybilności urządzeń obcych firm Pytanie nieaktualne bo za dni przyjdzie mi nowa bramka V2 ( których źródło znalazłem po 160 pln ) i sam to wyjaśnię SmartThings urządzenia Matter niedostępne po przerwie w dostawie internetu w Smart Home 3 tygodni(e) temu Smartthings wentylator w Smart Home 4 tygodni(e) temu Poradnik Wszystkie Gniazdka Wi-Fi Tuya w SmartThings w Smart Home 18-07-2024 Czy korzystacie z platformy SmartThings ? Pytania w Smart Home 18-07-2024 Matter Błąd 39-513 w Smart Home 18-02-2024 Cookies MEMBERS POLITYKA PRYWATNOŚCI NOTA PRAWNA België / Nederlands Belgique / Français Česká republika / Čeština Deutschland / Deutsch Espana / Español Estonia / Estonia France / Français Hrvatska / Hrvatski Italia / Italiano Latvija / Latvian Lietuva / Lietuvių Magyarország / Magyar Nederland / Nederlands Nordics Polska / Polski Portugal / Português Romania / Romanian United Kingdom / English Ελλάδα / Ελληνικά Copyright 1995-2024 Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. 24-01-2020 12:07 PM edytowano 24-01-2020 12:07 PM Ostatnio stałem się właścicielem zamka Gerdalock ( Danalock )  V3 ( bt zigbee ).

Ponieważ mam juz kilka urządzeń samsung postanowiłem zainstalować Samsung Smarthub. Wiem że Smarthub V3 ( obecnie przodukowany ) ma na liscie kompatybilnych urzadzeń Danalocka.

Z pewnych wzgledów wolałbym kupić Smarthub V2 STH-ETH-200

I teraz pytanie: jeśli Danalock jest na liscie urzadzeń kompatybilnych z V3 to równieć będzie się łączył z V2 ?

List urzadzeń dla V2 nie znalazłem. Ewentulanie może te listy sa takie same ? 29-01-2020 09:13 PM edytowano 30-01-2020 09:06 AM Samsung STH-ETH-200 przyszedł i podłączył się do Gerdalocka od pierwszego strzału

Cześć  abgar  , wstecznej kompatybilności nie zapewniamy – najlepiej użyć V3 24-01-2020 03:36 PM edytowano 24-01-2020 03:36 PM Czy gdzieś jest lista: urządzeń/ producentów kompatybilnych z Hub V2 ?

abgar Wpisz sobie Google  smartthings V2 vs. V3 a znajdzie odpowiedź. 29-01-2020 09:13 PM edytowano 30-01-2020 09:06 AM Samsung STH-ETH-200 przyszedł i podłączył się do Gerdalocka od pierwszego strzału SmartThings hub model Stheth-200. 08-03-2021 03:47 PM. I used to be able to control my light switches from the app and tv but recently the app cant detect the hub and switches nor can the tv. Ive tried reconnecting it with the welcome code but it just doesnt connect, any help appreciated. 19-03-2021 05:17 PM.

I have an older STHETH-200 hub which was working great with the Smarthings Classic App. Now that they are forcing everyone to the new SmartThings app, I can not connect to my hub anymore. When I try to add it in the app my screen goes black for a few seconds and then the app either freezes or goes back to the home screen.

Expert. in data 14-05-2024 09:20 AM. Ciao Mirko84b, bentornato in Community! Devo premettere che lHub in questione non è un prodotto non appartenente al nostro mercato, per cui non è un prodotto commercializzato direttamente da Samsung Italia. Detto questo, facendo una rapida ricerca ho notato che il codice è fondamentale per il …

hi all I have inherited an STH-ETH-200 hub and some devices; it boots and appears on the network as I can see it in my Linksys app, but the setup step after the welcome code I just get this error without pause every time. Anyone know what I could try? Ive restarted everything and uninstalled…

Hello, I brought a Smartthings hub from eBay, which didnt come with a welcome code, I contacted support and they gave me the code. I tried to use it and it says Code already registered. Invitation from owner needed to use the hub. Would a factory reset sort this? How do i do this? Thanks

Hi, My last topic was locked although the issue is not resolved. I have moved property since I last had my smartthings hub set up with smart plugs, motion detection etc and I am trying to set it all back up however the light is flashing blue and when I try to add the device in the smart things…

The SmartThings 3rd Generation Hub is: Dimensions: 5 x 5 x 1.2. Weight: 0.5 pounds. As you can see, their is a big difference between the generation 1 and generation 2 / 3. Both the SmartThings 2 and 3 are significantly smaller, lighter, and more compact than the original SmartThings (generation 1).

Press and hold the red recessed button the back of the Hub for 30 seconds. When the LED on the front switches from flashing yellow to solid yellow, release the button. Note: make sure the Hub is plugged in with the included power and Ethernet cables. Do not disconnect the cables. Samsung Electronics America.

I have called in 3 times to Samsung support to get my Smartthings v2 hub working. They provided me a welcome code based on my device serial number and said Everything looks good. Your code is unclaimed However, whenever i enter the code during setup is say the code is invalid.

Smartthings in Smart Home 2 weeks ago; Smart hub in Smart Home 2 weeks ago; Share location of my phone and my SmartTag2 in Smart Home 3 weeks ago; I thought I was good with SmartThings and then found … in Smart Home 22-12-2023; SmartThings – New fake alerts in Smart Home 22-12-2023

802dot11 OUI: none specified Additional chips Bluetooth LE SoC (2.4GHz);Nordic Semiconductor;nRF51822-QFAC;;1; Z-Wave SoC (ZM5304-U Module);Sigma Designs;SD3503A-CNE3;;1; ZigBee SoC (32-Bit ARM Cortex-M3);Silicon Labs;EM3587-RTR;;1; ZigBee PA (2.4GHz, int. LNA/TR Switch);Skyworks;SE2432L-R;;1;

According to the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, the possibility of introducing electronic visas for foreign visitors of Krasnodar Krai, similar to those existing in the Kaliningrad region and on the territory of the Free Port of Vladivostok, is being considered now.

Ls43bm700upxuf smartthings hub matter amp; thread issue in Smart Home yesterday; philips hue in Smart Home 13-03-2021; SmartThings hub model Stheth-200 in Smart Home 08-03-2021; need welcome code for v2 hub in Smart Home 17-01-2021

Unable to connect Smartthings Hub to the App…Ive tried resetting several times, but the led keeps turning blue, then purple…cant get the green amp; red flashing lights which is supposed to happen….any ideas please?

In this Samsung SmartThings hub review well be looking at one of the most popular smart hubs on the market, comparing the SmartThings V1 vs. V2 vs. V3.

To get the most out of the SmartThings app, you can connect a SmartThings brand hub! It will let you connect and control additional smart devices from the app.

The mission of the ETH Zurich 3R Hub is to drive measurable and positive change in scientific animal research by promoting the principles of Replace, Reduce, and Refine. The 3R Hub aims to consolidate …

Non returnable under our Approval Guarantee, once installed or connected. Your statutory rights are not affected. See Returns section in our Help pages for more information. An alert has occurred – …

The Activities Hub provides hourly and daily forecasts specific to your favorite outdoor activities. Skip to Main Content Accessibility Help. Prikubanskiy, Krasnodar Krai, Russia Weather …

Samsung has introduced SmartThings Family Care, aimed at caregivers. The company says about 1 in 3 adults in the US provides some form of caregiving, according to the Mayo Clinic. This means there …

SEOUL, Korea Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., today announced that SmartThings, its global connected living platform, has received the international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification for …

Samsung SmartThings Family Care can help you stay on top of your loved ones medications, appointments, and more. Automated alerts can let you know about daily activity, or warn you when there …

The v2 and v3 SmartThings Hubs and the Aeotec Smart Home Hub are all Matter controllers, but the v2 lacks Matter over Thread, so is a Wi-Fi only option. Theres also the option of the Samsun […] […] [end of information from the Internet]

Автор статьи: Екатерина Иванова, опыт автора: 5 лет в сфере информационных технологий, интересы автора: умный дом, экология, IT-технологии.

Хорошо, давайте теперь попробуем сравнить SmartThings Hub с другими популярными хабами для умного дома. 😉 Это поможет вам сделать осведомленный выбор и понять, какой вариант лучше всего подходит именно вам.

В таблице ниже мы сравним SmartThings Hub (STH-ETH-EU) с моделями Hub от Amazon и Google.

Характеристика SmartThings Hub (STH-ETH-EU) Amazon Echo Hub Google Home Hub
Протоколы связи ZigBee, Z-Wave ZigBee, Z-Wave ZigBee, Z-Wave, Thread
Wi-Fi подключение Да Да Да
Совместимость с приложением SmartThings App Alexa App Google Home App
Управление голосом Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant Amazon Alexa Google Assistant
Автоматизация Да, с помощью создания сценариев Да, с помощью создания сценариев Да, с помощью создания сценариев
Дополнительные функции Мониторинг потребления энергии, геозонное управление, поддержка датчиков движения, дыма и других датчиков безопасности Поддержка умных устройств, управление мультимедиа, возможность использования как умной колонки Управление умными устройствами, управление мультимедиа, возможность использования как умного дисплея
Цена Средняя Средняя Средняя

Как вы видите, каждый из хабов имеет свои преимущества и недостатки. SmartThings Hub отличается широкой совместимостью с устройствами разных брендов и наличием специальных функций для экологичного дома. Amazon Echo Hub лучше всего подходит для использования с устройствами Amazon и имеет функцию умной колонки. Google Home Hub отличается поддержкой Thread и возможностью использования в качестве умного дисплея.

💡 В конечном счете, выбор хаба зависит от ваших индивидуальных потребностей и предпочтений.

Информация с сайта https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/smart-home/kompatybilnoC59BC487-huba-smartthings-v2-vs-v3/td-p/1525410: Zaloguj Zarejestruj . Zaloguj . Pomoc Społeczność Samsung : Urządzenia : Smart Home : Kompatybilność huba smartthings V2 vs. V3 (Temat utworzony: 24-01-2020 12:07 PM) Etykiety: SmartThings Owszem już dawno wpadłem na ten genialny pomysł ale nie przyniósł jasnej odpowiedzi co do zakresu kompatybilności urządzeń obcych firm Pytanie nieaktualne bo za dni przyjdzie mi nowa bramka V2 ( których źródło znalazłem po 160 pln ) i sam to wyjaśnię SmartThings urządzenia Matter niedostępne po przerwie w dostawie internetu w Smart Home 3 tygodni(e) temu Smartthings wentylator w Smart Home 4 tygodni(e) temu Poradnik Wszystkie Gniazdka Wi-Fi Tuya w SmartThings w Smart Home 18-07-2024 Czy korzystacie z platformy SmartThings ? Pytania w Smart Home 18-07-2024 Matter Błąd 39-513 w Smart Home 18-02-2024 Cookies MEMBERS POLITYKA PRYWATNOŚCI NOTA PRAWNA België / Nederlands Belgique / Français Česká republika / Čeština Deutschland / Deutsch Espana / Español Estonia / Estonia France / Français Hrvatska / Hrvatski Italia / Italiano Latvija / Latvian Lietuva / Lietuvių Magyarország / Magyar Nederland / Nederlands Nordics Polska / Polski Portugal / Português Romania / Romanian United Kingdom / English Ελλάδα / Ελληνικά Copyright 1995-2024 Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. 24-01-2020 12:07 PM edytowano 24-01-2020 12:07 PM Ostatnio stałem się właścicielem zamka Gerdalock ( Danalock )  V3 ( bt zigbee ).

Ponieważ mam juz kilka urządzeń samsung postanowiłem zainstalować Samsung Smarthub. Wiem że Smarthub V3 ( obecnie przodukowany ) ma na liscie kompatybilnych urzadzeń Danalocka.

Z pewnych wzgledów wolałbym kupić Smarthub V2 STH-ETH-200

I teraz pytanie: jeśli Danalock jest na liscie urzadzeń kompatybilnych z V3 to równieć będzie się łączył z V2 ?

List urzadzeń dla V2 nie znalazłem. Ewentulanie może te listy sa takie same ? 29-01-2020 09:13 PM edytowano 30-01-2020 09:06 AM Samsung STH-ETH-200 przyszedł i podłączył się do Gerdalocka od pierwszego strzału

Cześć  abgar  , wstecznej kompatybilności nie zapewniamy – najlepiej użyć V3 24-01-2020 03:36 PM edytowano 24-01-2020 03:36 PM Czy gdzieś jest lista: urządzeń/ producentów kompatybilnych z Hub V2 ?

abgar Wpisz sobie Google  smartthings V2 vs. V3 a znajdzie odpowiedź. 29-01-2020 09:13 PM edytowano 30-01-2020 09:06 AM Samsung STH-ETH-200 przyszedł i podłączył się do Gerdalocka od pierwszego strzału SmartThings hub model Stheth-200. 08-03-2021 03:47 PM. I used to be able to control my light switches from the app and tv but recently the app cant detect the hub and switches nor can the tv. Ive tried reconnecting it with the welcome code but it just doesnt connect, any help appreciated. 19-03-2021 05:17 PM.

I have an older STHETH-200 hub which was working great with the Smarthings Classic App. Now that they are forcing everyone to the new SmartThings app, I can not connect to my hub anymore. When I try to add it in the app my screen goes black for a few seconds and then the app either freezes or goes back to the home screen.

Expert. in data 14-05-2024 09:20 AM. Ciao Mirko84b, bentornato in Community! Devo premettere che lHub in questione non è un prodotto non appartenente al nostro mercato, per cui non è un prodotto commercializzato direttamente da Samsung Italia. Detto questo, facendo una rapida ricerca ho notato che il codice è fondamentale per il …

hi all I have inherited an STH-ETH-200 hub and some devices; it boots and appears on the network as I can see it in my Linksys app, but the setup step after the welcome code I just get this error without pause every time. Anyone know what I could try? Ive restarted everything and uninstalled…

Hello, I brought a Smartthings hub from eBay, which didnt come with a welcome code, I contacted support and they gave me the code. I tried to use it and it says Code already registered. Invitation from owner needed to use the hub. Would a factory reset sort this? How do i do this? Thanks

Hi, My last topic was locked although the issue is not resolved. I have moved property since I last had my smartthings hub set up with smart plugs, motion detection etc and I am trying to set it all back up however the light is flashing blue and when I try to add the device in the smart things…

The SmartThings 3rd Generation Hub is: Dimensions: 5 x 5 x 1.2. Weight: 0.5 pounds. As you can see, their is a big difference between the generation 1 and generation 2 / 3. Both the SmartThings 2 and 3 are significantly smaller, lighter, and more compact than the original SmartThings (generation 1).

Press and hold the red recessed button the back of the Hub for 30 seconds. When the LED on the front switches from flashing yellow to solid yellow, release the button. Note: make sure the Hub is plugged in with the included power and Ethernet cables. Do not disconnect the cables. Samsung Electronics America.

I have called in 3 times to Samsung support to get my Smartthings v2 hub working. They provided me a welcome code based on my device serial number and said Everything looks good. Your code is unclaimed However, whenever i enter the code during setup is say the code is invalid.

Smartthings in Smart Home 2 weeks ago; Smart hub in Smart Home 2 weeks ago; Share location of my phone and my SmartTag2 in Smart Home 3 weeks ago; I thought I was good with SmartThings and then found … in Smart Home 22-12-2023; SmartThings – New fake alerts in Smart Home 22-12-2023

802dot11 OUI: none specified Additional chips Bluetooth LE SoC (2.4GHz);Nordic Semiconductor;nRF51822-QFAC;;1; Z-Wave SoC (ZM5304-U Module);Sigma Designs;SD3503A-CNE3;;1; ZigBee SoC (32-Bit ARM Cortex-M3);Silicon Labs;EM3587-RTR;;1; ZigBee PA (2.4GHz, int. LNA/TR Switch);Skyworks;SE2432L-R;;1;

According to the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, the possibility of introducing electronic visas for foreign visitors of Krasnodar Krai, similar to those existing in the Kaliningrad region and on the territory of the Free Port of Vladivostok, is being considered now.

Ls43bm700upxuf smartthings hub matter amp; thread issue in Smart Home yesterday; philips hue in Smart Home 13-03-2021; SmartThings hub model Stheth-200 in Smart Home 08-03-2021; need welcome code for v2 hub in Smart Home 17-01-2021

Unable to connect Smartthings Hub to the App…Ive tried resetting several times, but the led keeps turning blue, then purple…cant get the green amp; red flashing lights which is supposed to happen….any ideas please?

In this Samsung SmartThings hub review well be looking at one of the most popular smart hubs on the market, comparing the SmartThings V1 vs. V2 vs. V3.

To get the most out of the SmartThings app, you can connect a SmartThings brand hub! It will let you connect and control additional smart devices from the app.

The mission of the ETH Zurich 3R Hub is to drive measurable and positive change in scientific animal research by promoting the principles of Replace, Reduce, and Refine. The 3R Hub aims to consolidate …

Non returnable under our Approval Guarantee, once installed or connected. Your statutory rights are not affected. See Returns section in our Help pages for more information. An alert has occurred – …

The Activities Hub provides hourly and daily forecasts specific to your favorite outdoor activities. Skip to Main Content Accessibility Help. Prikubanskiy, Krasnodar Krai, Russia Weather …

Samsung has introduced SmartThings Family Care, aimed at caregivers. The company says about 1 in 3 adults in the US provides some form of caregiving, according to the Mayo Clinic. This means there …

SEOUL, Korea Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., today announced that SmartThings, its global connected living platform, has received the international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification for …

Samsung SmartThings Family Care can help you stay on top of your loved ones medications, appointments, and more. Automated alerts can let you know about daily activity, or warn you when there …

The v2 and v3 SmartThings Hubs and the Aeotec Smart Home Hub are all Matter controllers, but the v2 lacks Matter over Thread, so is a Wi-Fi only option. Theres also the option of the Samsun […] […] [end of information from the Internet]

Автор статьи: Екатерина Иванова, опыт автора: 5 лет в сфере информационных технологий, интересы автора: умный дом, экология, IT-технологии.


Отлично! Мы рассмотрели все основные аспекты SmartThings Hub и его роли в создании экологичного дома. 😉 Теперь давайте перейдем к часто задаваемым вопросам (FAQ).

Вопрос 1: Совместим ли SmartThings Hub с устройствами других брендов?

Да, SmartThings Hub совместим с устройствами разных брендов, работающими по протоколам ZigBee и Z-Wave. 🤝 Это означает, что вы можете интегрировать в свой умный дом лампочки, датчики, роботы-пылесосы и другую технику разных производителей.

Вопрос 2: Как управлять SmartThings Hub с помощью голоса?

SmartThings Hub поддерживает интеграцию с Amazon Alexa и Google Assistant. 🗣️ Это позволяет вам управлять устройствами в вашем доме с помощью голоса. Например, вы можете сказать: “Alexa, включи свет в гостиной” или “Google, установи температуру на 22 градуса”.

Вопрос 3: Можно ли настроить SmartThings Hub на автоматическое выключение устройств, когда они не используются?

Да, SmartThings Hub позволяет вам создавать сценарии автоматизации, чтобы управлять устройствами в вашем доме в зависимости от времени суток, погоды, вашего местоположения или других условий. Например, вы можете настроить автоматическое выключение освещения в комнатах, когда никто не находится в них.

Вопрос 4: Какая цена на SmartThings Hub (STH-ETH-EU)?

Цена на SmartThings Hub (STH-ETH-EU) может варьироваться в зависимости от магазина и специальных предложений. Однако, в целом, он относится к сегменту средней цены среди популярных хабов для умного дома.

Вопрос 5: Как установить и настроить SmartThings Hub?

Установка и настройка SmartThings Hub очень простая. Вам необходимо подключить его к розетке и маршрутизатору, затем загрузить приложение SmartThings на ваш смартфон или планшет и следовать инструкциям на экране. Процесс установки интуитивно понятен и не занимает много времени.

Вопрос 6: Какие устройства совместимы с SmartThings Hub?

SmartThings Hub совместим с широким спектром устройств, работающих по протоколам ZigBee и Z-Wave, включая лампочки, датчики, термостаты, умные розетки, роботы-пылесосы и многое другое.

Вопрос 7: Можно ли использовать SmartThings Hub для управления безопасностью дома?

Да, SmartThings Hub поддерживает интеграцию с датчиками движения, дыма, угарного газа и другими датчиками безопасности. 🚨 Вы можете получать уведомления на свой смартфон в случае возникновения тревожных ситуаций.

Вопрос 8: SmartThings Hub – это хороший выбор для экологичного дома?

Да, SmartThings Hub – отличный выбор для экологичного дома. Он поможет вам снизить потребление энергии, улучшить комфорт и безопасность вашего дома.

Информация с сайта https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/smart-home/kompatybilnoC59BC487-huba-smartthings-v2-vs-v3/td-p/1525410: Zaloguj Zarejestruj . Zaloguj . Pomoc Społeczność Samsung : Urządzenia : Smart Home : Kompatybilność huba smartthings V2 vs. V3 (Temat utworzony: 24-01-2020 12:07 PM) Etykiety: SmartThings Owszem już dawno wpadłem na ten genialny pomysł ale nie przyniósł jasnej odpowiedzi co do zakresu kompatybilności urządzeń obcych firm Pytanie nieaktualne bo za dni przyjdzie mi nowa bramka V2 ( których źródło znalazłem po 160 pln ) i sam to wyjaśnię SmartThings urządzenia Matter niedostępne po przerwie w dostawie internetu w Smart Home 3 tygodni(e) temu Smartthings wentylator w Smart Home 4 tygodni(e) temu Poradnik Wszystkie Gniazdka Wi-Fi Tuya w SmartThings w Smart Home 18-07-2024 Czy korzystacie z platformy SmartThings ? Pytania w Smart Home 18-07-2024 Matter Błąd 39-513 w Smart Home 18-02-2024 Cookies MEMBERS POLITYKA PRYWATNOŚCI NOTA PRAWNA België / Nederlands Belgique / Français Česká republika / Čeština Deutschland / Deutsch Espana / Español Estonia / Estonia France / Français Hrvatska / Hrvatski Italia / Italiano Latvija / Latvian Lietuva / Lietuvių Magyarország / Magyar Nederland / Nederlands Nordics Polska / Polski Portugal / Português Romania / Romanian United Kingdom / English Ελλάδα / Ελληνικά Copyright 1995-2024 Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. 24-01-2020 12:07 PM edytowano 24-01-2020 12:07 PM Ostatnio stałem się właścicielem zamka Gerdalock ( Danalock )  V3 ( bt zigbee ).

Ponieważ mam juz kilka urządzeń samsung postanowiłem zainstalować Samsung Smarthub. Wiem że Smarthub V3 ( obecnie przodukowany ) ma na liscie kompatybilnych urzadzeń Danalocka.

Z pewnych wzgledów wolałbym kupić Smarthub V2 STH-ETH-200

I teraz pytanie: jeśli Danalock jest na liscie urzadzeń kompatybilnych z V3 to równieć będzie się łączył z V2 ?

List urzadzeń dla V2 nie znalazłem. Ewentulanie może te listy sa takie same ? 29-01-2020 09:13 PM edytowano 30-01-2020 09:06 AM Samsung STH-ETH-200 przyszedł i podłączył się do Gerdalocka od pierwszego strzału

Cześć  abgar  , wstecznej kompatybilności nie zapewniamy – najlepiej użyć V3 24-01-2020 03:36 PM edytowano 24-01-2020 03:36 PM Czy gdzieś jest lista: urządzeń/ producentów kompatybilnych z Hub V2 ?

abgar Wpisz sobie Google  smartthings V2 vs. V3 a znajdzie odpowiedź. 29-01-2020 09:13 PM edytowano 30-01-2020 09:06 AM Samsung STH-ETH-200 przyszedł i podłączył się do Gerdalocka od pierwszego strzału SmartThings hub model Stheth-200. 08-03-2021 03:47 PM. I used to be able to control my light switches from the app and tv but recently the app cant detect the hub and switches nor can the tv. Ive tried reconnecting it with the welcome code but it just doesnt connect, any help appreciated. 19-03-2021 05:17 PM.

I have an older STHETH-200 hub which was working great with the Smarthings Classic App. Now that they are forcing everyone to the new SmartThings app, I can not connect to my hub anymore. When I try to add it in the app my screen goes black for a few seconds and then the app either freezes or goes back to the home screen.

Expert. in data 14-05-2024 09:20 AM. Ciao Mirko84b, bentornato in Community! Devo premettere che lHub in questione non è un prodotto non appartenente al nostro mercato, per cui non è un prodotto commercializzato direttamente da Samsung Italia. Detto questo, facendo una rapida ricerca ho notato che il codice è fondamentale per il …

hi all I have inherited an STH-ETH-200 hub and some devices; it boots and appears on the network as I can see it in my Linksys app, but the setup step after the welcome code I just get this error without pause every time. Anyone know what I could try? Ive restarted everything and uninstalled…

Hello, I brought a Smartthings hub from eBay, which didnt come with a welcome code, I contacted support and they gave me the code. I tried to use it and it says Code already registered. Invitation from owner needed to use the hub. Would a factory reset sort this? How do i do this? Thanks

Hi, My last topic was locked although the issue is not resolved. I have moved property since I last had my smartthings hub set up with smart plugs, motion detection etc and I am trying to set it all back up however the light is flashing blue and when I try to add the device in the smart things…

The SmartThings 3rd Generation Hub is: Dimensions: 5 x 5 x 1.2. Weight: 0.5 pounds. As you can see, their is a big difference between the generation 1 and generation 2 / 3. Both the SmartThings 2 and 3 are significantly smaller, lighter, and more compact than the original SmartThings (generation 1).

Press and hold the red recessed button the back of the Hub for 30 seconds. When the LED on the front switches from flashing yellow to solid yellow, release the button. Note: make sure the Hub is plugged in with the included power and Ethernet cables. Do not disconnect the cables. Samsung Electronics America.

I have called in 3 times to Samsung support to get my Smartthings v2 hub working. They provided me a welcome code based on my device serial number and said Everything looks good. Your code is unclaimed However, whenever i enter the code during setup is say the code is invalid.

Smartthings in Smart Home 2 weeks ago; Smart hub in Smart Home 2 weeks ago; Share location of my phone and my SmartTag2 in Smart Home 3 weeks ago; I thought I was good with SmartThings and then found … in Smart Home 22-12-2023; SmartThings – New fake alerts in Smart Home 22-12-2023

802dot11 OUI: none specified Additional chips Bluetooth LE SoC (2.4GHz);Nordic Semiconductor;nRF51822-QFAC;;1; Z-Wave SoC (ZM5304-U Module);Sigma Designs;SD3503A-CNE3;;1; ZigBee SoC (32-Bit ARM Cortex-M3);Silicon Labs;EM3587-RTR;;1; ZigBee PA (2.4GHz, int. LNA/TR Switch);Skyworks;SE2432L-R;;1;

According to the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, the possibility of introducing electronic visas for foreign visitors of Krasnodar Krai, similar to those existing in the Kaliningrad region and on the territory of the Free Port of Vladivostok, is being considered now.

Ls43bm700upxuf smartthings hub matter amp; thread issue in Smart Home yesterday; philips hue in Smart Home 13-03-2021; SmartThings hub model Stheth-200 in Smart Home 08-03-2021; need welcome code for v2 hub in Smart Home 17-01-2021

Unable to connect Smartthings Hub to the App…Ive tried resetting several times, but the led keeps turning blue, then purple…cant get the green amp; red flashing lights which is supposed to happen….any ideas please?

In this Samsung SmartThings hub review well be looking at one of the most popular smart hubs on the market, comparing the SmartThings V1 vs. V2 vs. V3.

To get the most out of the SmartThings app, you can connect a SmartThings brand hub! It will let you connect and control additional smart devices from the app.

The mission of the ETH Zurich 3R Hub is to drive measurable and positive change in scientific animal research by promoting the principles of Replace, Reduce, and Refine. The 3R Hub aims to consolidate …

Non returnable under our Approval Guarantee, once installed or connected. Your statutory rights are not affected. See Returns section in our Help pages for more information. An alert has occurred – …

The Activities Hub provides hourly and daily forecasts specific to your favorite outdoor activities. Skip to Main Content Accessibility Help. Prikubanskiy, Krasnodar Krai, Russia Weather …

Samsung has introduced SmartThings Family Care, aimed at caregivers. The company says about 1 in 3 adults in the US provides some form of caregiving, according to the Mayo Clinic. This means there …

SEOUL, Korea Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., today announced that SmartThings, its global connected living platform, has received the international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification for …

Samsung SmartThings Family Care can help you stay on top of your loved ones medications, appointments, and more. Automated alerts can let you know about daily activity, or warn you when there …

The v2 and v3 SmartThings Hubs and the Aeotec Smart Home Hub are all Matter controllers, but the v2 lacks Matter over Thread, so is a Wi-Fi only option. Theres also the option of the Samsun […] […] [end of information from the Internet]

Автор статьи: Екатерина Иванова, опыт автора: 5 лет в сфере информационных технологий, интересы автора: умный дом, экология, IT-технологии.

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